Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the European Commission and the 120th anniversary of Jean Monnet's birth., Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

213220412">Friday 7 November: Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the European Commission and the 120th anniversary of Jean Monnet's birth.

A commemorative ceremony will be organised at the Berlaymont building to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the European Commission and the 120th anniversary of Jean Monnet's birth.

The conference room of the College of Commissioners in Berlaymont will be named "Jean Monnet" and to mark the occasion a plaque will be unveiled by the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, in the presence of the French President and current President of the European Council Nicolas Sarkozy and the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering.

This celebration of the Commission's history will precede the informal meeting at the Council of the heads of State and government preparing the international summit on the financial crisis planned on 15th November in Washington.



Jean Monnet, who was born on 9th November 1888 in Cognac and passed away on 16th March 1979 in Bazoches-sur-Guyonne in the Yvelines, was the first President of the High Authority of the Coal and Steel Community. The High Authority was the predecessor of the European Commission. Jean Monnet was also Deputy Secretary General of the League of Nations. He is one of the "Founding Fathers" of the European project. He is buried in the Panthéon in Paris.

José Manuel Barroso is the 11th President of the European Commission. His predecessor are: Walter Hallstein (1958-1967), Jean Rey (1967-1970), Franco Malfatti (1970-1972), Sicco Mansholt (1972-1973), François-Xavier Ortoli (1973-1977), Roy Jenkins (1977-1981), Gaston Thorn (1981-1985), Jacques Delors (1985-1995), Jacques Santer (1995-1999) et Romano Prodi (1999-2004).



Ceremony at the Berlaymont in Brussels

  • • 
    Photo & video coverage by EbS



Introduction of the former Presidents of the European Commission:


Website of President Barroso:


  • • 
    Archives : I-049708  Former President of the EC from 1958 to 2004



Leonor Ribeiro Da Silva +32 2 298 8155 leonor.ribeiro-da-silva@ec.europa.eu

Kristyna Hamrikova +32 2 298 6980 kristyna.hamrikova@ec.europa.eu


Europese Commissie (EC)

Deze instelling van de Europese Unie kan worden beschouwd als het 'dagelijks bestuur' van de EU. De leden van de Europese Commissie worden 'Eurocommissarissen i' genoemd. Elke Eurocommissaris is verantwoordelijk voor één of meerdere beleidsgebieden. Momenteel zijn er 26 Eurocommissarissen. In principe is er voor iedere lidstaat één. Samen vormen zij het college van Eurocommissarissen. De Eurocommissarissen moeten het belang van de Europese Unie als geheel behartigen, niet dat van hun eigen land.

De Europese Commissie mag als enige EU-instelling wetsvoorstellen indienen; zij heeft het zogenaamde recht van initatief. Daarnaast controleert de Commissie of de Europese wetgeving juist wordt toegepast in de lidstaten, onderhandelt zij in internationale organisaties als de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) i over de handel van de Unie met het 'buitenland' en is zij verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van de Europese begroting van ongeveer 140 miljard euro per jaar.


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