The Global Jean Monet conference, Brussel

Europees parlement in Brussel
Fotograaf: Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

The Global Jean Monnet ECSA World Conference 2010, entitled "The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon" will take place in the European Parliament.

Keynote speeches will be made at the event's opening by European Commission President, Mr. José Manuel Barroso, and Chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Education and Culture, Ms. Doris Pack (09.15-10.00)

Then EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Mrs. Androulla Vassiliou, will present the "2010 Jean Monnet Prize".

The rest of the conference, over the two days, will consist of four topical sessions on the following themes:

Institutional Balance and Inter-institutional Cooperation (10.30-12.30); Fundamental Rights and EU Citizenship (14.00-16.00); The New EU Framework for confronting Global Economic and Environmental Challenges (16.00-18.00)- all on Tuesday; The EU as an International Political and Security Actor (09.30-11.30) - on Wednesday.

These sessions will include presentations from both political and academic perspectives, notably featuring EU Commissioners Mr. Maroš Šefcovic, Vice-President of the European Commission with responsibility for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration and Mr. Karel De Gucht, Commissioner for Trade, as well as several Members of the European Parliament.

  • The event will be shown live on EbS+

Background on the Jean Monnet Conferences

The Jean Monnet Programme has established a tradition of consulting the academic world in order to reflect on current issues of European integration. This reflection often culminates in a major international conference with the participation of policy-makers, civil society and top-level academics.

To prepare the academic reflection on the occasion of such conferences, the Commission calls in particular on the network of Jean Monnet professors and centres.

On many occasions, the independent and critical considerations of the members of the Jean Monnet network have provided the policy-makers with new insights and concrete policy suggestions. Conference results are made available to the public via the Jean Monnet website and in the form of a publication.


Europees Parlement (EP)

Het Europees Parlement (EP) vertegenwoordigt ruim 450 miljoen Europeanen en bestaat momenteel uit 705 afgevaardigden i (inclusief voorzitter). Nederland heeft 29 zetels i in het Europees Parlement. Het Europees Parlement wordt geacht een stem te geven aan de volkeren van de 27 landen i die aan de Unie deelnemen, en vooral te letten op het belang van de Unie in zijn geheel.

De leden van het Europees Parlement worden om de vijf jaar rechtstreeks gekozen door de burgers van de Europese Unie. De volgende verkiezingen zijn in 2024. Het Parlement debatteert op basis van voorstellen van de Europese Commissie i en kan daarbij wijzigingen voorstellen, waarna het Parlement samen met de Raad van de Europese Unie i een beslissing over deze voorstellen neemt.


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