Pools voorzitterschap aan de slag met pakket hervormingen landbouwbeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 12 oktober 2011.

The Polish Presidency has taken note of the fact that the EU College of Commissioners unveiled a package of proposed Common Agricultural Policy reforms at its meeting on 12th October.

The Polish Presidency will start intensive work on the package, so that the next countries of the trio - Denmark and Cyprus - can work out a common position of Member States and conduct effective negotiations between the EU Council and the European Parliament.

It is planned that the agriculture ministers of the respective Member States exchange their first opinions about the package at the next session of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Luxembourg on 20th-21st October. In-depth discussion of the package will be conducted by the Council in November. Some 20 meetings at various levels are scheduled for work on the package.

The Polish Presidency wants to organise, together with the Council, Commission and European Parliament, a series of debates in November and December on the new shape of the CAP, with the participation of agricultural organisations and the scientific community. A summing-up debate will conclude the series.

Anna Pieniazek

Presidency Spokesperson at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development