Commissioner Hahn in Crete and Athens to help focus Regional investments on Greece's recovery for 2014-2020

Zappeion in Athene, Griekenland
datum 12 december 2013
plaats Athene, Griekenland
aanwezigen J. (Johannes) Hahn i, A. (Antonis) Samaras i e.a.
organisatie Europese Commissie (EC) i

EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, will continue his visit to Greece's 13 regions next week (December 11-12) when he goes to Crete where he will meet political representatives and businesses on how to make sure investments under Regional Policy deliver tangible results for citizens. He will then go on to Athens to discuss with Prime Minister Samaras and Minister for Development Hatzidakis the priorities of the next programming period. Greece will be allocated more than € 14 bn of European Structural and Investment Funds to accelerate Greece's recovery and strengthen the country's competitiveness.



Greece has made good progress under the framework set by the EU's assistance programme as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding. In terms of absorption of structural funds, Greece now ranks fourth in the EU. Important structural reforms have been achieved and the efforts of budget consolidation show initial positive results. Greece and its regions are now in the process of finalising their plans and strategies for how to use EU investments for the next budget period. This is in dialogue with the European Commission, as part of the so called Partnership Agreement. This will set down the strategy according to the Reformed Cohesion Policy and the particular strengths of the regions with a clear focus on the real economy.



Wednesday, 11 December

Commissioner Hahn will pay a visit to Crete where he will meet the regional Governor as well as representatives of local authorities and stakeholders. He will also pay a visit to innovative regional projects co-funded by the EU such as the Foundation of Research and Technology (FORTH).

Thursday, 12 December: Athens

08:45 Meeting with the Minister of Development, Mr Costis Hatzidakis

10:00 Meeting with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras

11:30 Opening Speech of Commissioner Hahn at the Conference "European Policy of Urban Development in practice"

13:45 Press Conference

15:15 Meeting with the Minister of Interior, Ioannis Michelakis



A press release (speech) will be published on Thursday 12 December via RAPID:

Twitter: @EU_Regional @JHahnEU

Information on Structural Funds for Greece:



Shirin Wheeler +32 2 296 65 65; +32460766565

Annemarie Huber +32 2 299 33 10; +32460793310


Europese Commissie (EC)

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De Europese Commissie mag als enige EU-instelling wetsvoorstellen indienen; zij heeft het zogenaamde recht van initatief. Daarnaast controleert de Commissie of de Europese wetgeving juist wordt toegepast in de lidstaten, onderhandelt zij in internationale organisaties als de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) i over de handel van de Unie met het 'buitenland' en is zij verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van de Europese begroting van ongeveer 140 miljard euro per jaar.


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