Schulz on Tusk's election and Mogherini's appointment

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 30 augustus 2014.

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz i has made the following reaction to the results of the European Council.

On the election of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk i as President of the European Council

"I congratulate Prime Minister Donald Tusk on his election as President of the European Council.

Mr Tusk's stewardship of Poland during the last seven years has made the country stronger and more prosperous. The Polish economy kept growing, even when all other EU economies entered recession. His pro-European credentials are beyond doubt.

Mr Tusk will find an ally in the European Parliament if he aims to tackle the EU's woes head-down, including most particularly, a reduction of the EU's unbearably high-unemployment, re-launching growth through an ambitious plan of investment, tackling the risk of a lost decade for Europe, and working to deepen economic governance and strengthen the euro area.

With his experience and sensitivity, I am also confident that Mr Tusk will be ideally positioned to contribute to solving the crisis at Europe's borders and provide a credible voice on the international stage, showing that unity is Europe's trademark, with all its interlocutors and in all domains. I look forward to working with Mr Tusk in the spirit of the community method.

I also wish to thank President Van Rompuy i for his work throughout these years. He has proven a skilful and indefatigable negotiator and a committed European. His professionalism and open mindedness regularly proved important for reaching difficult agreements."

On the appointment of Federica Mogherini i as High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

"I congratulate Foreign Minister Mogherini on her appointment as High Representative. We will need all the skills and energy available to Ms Mogherini to push Europe forward in an increasingly challenging and unstable international order.

More than ever the European Union needs a strong, coherent and strategic foreign policy. Our neighbourhood is in turmoil. Globalisation has brought opportunities, but also threats that transcend frontiers. Our partners and people throughout the world are asking the EU to play a more active role on the international stage.

Europe needs to continue to develop both its crisis response capabilities and a strategic agenda for the future. Our foreign policy must be driven by the conviction in our values, the unity of our objectives and the strength of our means.

As a member of the European Commission, the newly appointed High Representative will also have to gain the confidence of the European Parliament. Her relationship and dialogue with the European Parliament will be key for an EU foreign policy founded on democratic legitimacy.

On this occasion, I also wish to pay tribute to the work of HR/VP Catherine Ashton i. She built a new institution from scratch, setting the foundations for a strong EU diplomacy whose impact is already being felt from the Balkans to Iran.