Refugees, rule of law, lobbying transparency: is Europe rising to the challenges?, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 13 juni 2016 09:00 - 14 juni 2016 10:45
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Plaza Hotel, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Toon locatie
aanwezigen S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, R.F.B. (Reinier) van Zutphen i, E. (Emily) O'Reilly i e.a.
organisatie Europese Ombudsman i

The European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, is pleased to invite you to a high-level debate on the key issues facing EU and national administrations. The event brings together for the first time national and regional ombudsmen from all over Europe, as well as MEPs, EU officials, organisations and other interested participants. It will examine Europe's response to the refugee crisis and to challenges to the rule of law; as well as lobbying transparency within the EU institutions and the Member States.

Ombudsmen are often at the forefront when it comes to gauging how fundamental rights are being respected at the national level. They can observe wider societal change either through the direct issues raised by citizens or in how their work is treated by national administrations. The European Ombudsman chairs the European Network of Ombudsmen and coordinates cooperation among colleagues in the Member States.

Lately the EU has been faced with several challenges, including the rise of populism, growing anti-EU sentiment, terror attacks and unprecedented levels of migration. How are these challenges manifested at the local, regional and national level in the EU? And what can EU policy-makers learn from those who deal with the fall-out from these challenges in their day-to-day work?

Join the debates and sign up for the networking lunch on 13 June! We are happy to arrange interviews for journalists with event speakers or national or regional ombudsmen.

Monday, 13 June, 9.00-11.00

Registration 8.30-9.00

EU and Member States' efforts to help refugees

Monday, 13 June, 11.30-13.00

Promoting lobbying transparency as good administration

Tuesday, 14 June, 9.00-10.45

Respect for the rule of law in the EU



Interested in attending? Please register by 27 May 2016.

Aanvullende informatie:

Gundi Gadesmann

Head of Communication

Tel.:+32 (0) 2 284 26 09

Contact : Gundi Gadesmann

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Europese Ombudsman

Europese burgers, bedrijven of instellingen kunnen een klacht over wanbeheer van een Europese instelling indienen bij de Europese Ombudsman. Deze stelt naar aanleiding van de klacht een onderzoek in. De meeste klachten betreffen onnodige vertraging bij procedures, weigering om informatie te verstrekken, discriminatie en machtsmisbruik. De Ombudsman kan ook op eigen initiatief een onderzoek instellen.


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