Tax is a feminist issue!: A Greens/EFA conference, Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 29 juni 2016 15:00
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Altiero Spinelli (ASP) i Toon locatie
aanwezigen (Karima) Delli i, (Molly) Scott Cato i, (Ernest) Urtasun i e.a.
organisatie Groenen/Europese Vrije Alliantie (Groenen/EVA) i


There is a unanimous concern among activists, experts and academics on the gender bias of tax systems, and, furthermore, on how the contemporary tax reforms may increase the incidence of taxation on the poorest women. This is evident in the decrease of taxes paid by corporations globally through tax evasion/avoidance, tax shift from labour income to consumption and the increase of tax on basic goods. Until now insufficient attention has been put into how tax policies and tax reforms may interact with gendered patterns.

The Green FEMM WG has decided that Gender and Tax Justice is going to be one of the main priorities for 2016 for two main reasons: 1) the FEMM committee has agreed on our proposal to draft an Initiative Report on the topic on the second half of 2016 which will be drafted by a Green MEP; 2) and because there is a social demand shown by creation of civil society groups present all over Europe that work to raise awareness over the unequal effects of tax policies for women and man and to end with any form of gender discrimination in tax systems.


Welcome words by Molly Scott Cato, Green/EFA MEP



Moderator: Ernest Urtasun, Green/EFA MEP

  • María Pazos, Mathematician and researcher, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales
  • James Browne, senior research economist, OECD
  • Liz Nelson, director at Tax Justice Network and responsible of the programme of tax justice and human rights.
  • Kathleen A. Lahey, Professor at Queen’s University (Canada) and partner of the FairTax research consortium programme of the EU H2020 Programme.
  • Gaëlle Garnier, EU Commission, Head of Sector, DG TAXUD

Session of Q&A (with the participation of relevant NGOs/actors working in tax issues)

17h00 - 18h15


Moderator: Karima Delli, Green/EFA MEP

  • Laura Coryton, ‘Stop Taxing Periods’ campaign
  • Juliette Melba, Spokesperson of the Collectif Georgette Sand
  • Natalia Kozdra, Collectif Georgette Sand

Session of Q&A (with the participation of relevant NGOs/actors working in tax issues)



  • Ernest Urtasun, Green/EFA MEP


Groenen/Europese Vrije Alliantie (Groenen/EVA)

In de fractie van De Groenen/Europese Vrije Alliantie (EVA) werken sinds 1999 Groenen en regionale groeperingen ('vertegenwoordigers van stateloze naties') uit verschillende Europese landen met elkaar samen in het Europees Parlement i. De Groenen/EVA streven naar een Europa met meer oog voor mensenrechten, milieu en een open bestuur. Ook vertegenwoordigen zij enkele regionale partijen.

De fractie wordt door 72 Europarlementariërs uit 18 landen en 3 regio's vertegenwoordigd, het hoogste aantal dat zij ooit heeft behaald. Daarmee is zij de op vier na grootste fractie in het Europees Parlement.


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