Priorities of the Telecommunications Council - Press Note

Met dank overgenomen van Maltees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2017 (EU2017MT) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 2 december 2016.


Priorities of the Telecommunications Council Press Note

During the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Malta will endeavour to conclude discussions with the European Parliament on the Decision on the use of the 470-790MHz frequency that forms the basis for 5G technology. Agreement on this legislation will pave the way towards the creation of a fully functioning ‘Gigabit society’ in Europe. This was stated by the Dr Manuel Mallia, Minister for Competitiveness and Digital, Maritime and the Services Economy, while addressing the TTE-Telecoms Council in Brussels today.

Dr Mallia said that Malta will be giving top priority to the conclusion of the wholesale roaming review, on which discussions with the European Parliament will commence following the approval at the Council. The wholesale roaming review will achieve a truly roaming-free Europe without extra undue burdens to European citizens.

While presenting Malta’s Presidency priorities, Minister Mallia announced that Malta will be a Digital Assembly to discuss key topics of the Digital Single Market.

Minister Mallia said that by fully exploiting the opportunities of the Digital Single Market tangible benefits can be derived for European economies, businesses and families, by removing barriers to trade and improving protection and access to services for consumers.