Launch Clingendael International Sustainability Centre (CISC), Den Haag

Ridderzaal in Den Haag
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 21 februari 2017
plaats Den Haag
locatie Clingendael Toon locatie
aanwezigen G.J.M. (Gerben-Jan) Gerbrandy i, M. (Monika) Sie Dhian Ho, B. (Bas) Eickhout i e.a.
organisatie Instituut Clingendael i

You are cordially invited to attend the launch event of the Clingendael International Sustainability Centre (CISC). For registration, please contact Mrs. Christine Bakker.

CISC has the ambition to connect the existing Clingendael expertise on international and European (policy) discussions and processes explicitly to the realm of sustainability. In particular, CISC-activities will focus on the responsibility and role of the public sector in the transition towards a climate friendly and circular economy.

Risks and opportunities for the private sector, financial institutions, and civil society in the transition will be identified, analysed and clarified. CISC plans to contribute by organising a platform of expertise, by publishing policy targeted publications and by creating a platform for discussion and knowledge exchange.


15.15-16.00: Welcome with coffee and tea

16.00-16.05: Introduction by Monika Sie Dhian Ho, General Director Clingendael Institute

  • Short introduction of CISC
  • Sustainability as a new focus for Clingendael

16.05-16.15: Sustainability in the Trump Era

Short intermezzo by Gregg Shapiro, Boom Chicago.

16.15-16.45: EU and private sector contributions to sustainability, panel with:

  • Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, member of the European parliament for the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)
  • Bas Eickhout, member of the European parliament for the greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA)
  • Ardi Stoios-Braken, deputy director Inclusive Green Growth, Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Netherlands
  • Michel Schuurman, senior program manager circular economy, CSR Netherlands

Main topics of discussion:

  • The importance and urgency of sustainable development issues in European policy development.
  • The role of governments and the private sector in the transition to a more sustainable future.

16.45-17.15: Q&A

Chaired by Hugo von Meijenfeldt, Coordinator Sustainable Development Goals, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

17.15: Informal reception

In advance to the programme above, a closed session will take place (by invitation only).


Instituut Clingendael

Het Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen ‘Clingendael’ is een kennisplatform met als doel kennis en inzicht over internationale betrekkingen te bevorderen en het publiek debat over internationale onderwerpen te stimuleren.

Instituut Clingendael is een denktank en een opleidingsinstituut voor diplomaten. Het Instituut identificeert en analyseert opkomende politieke en sociale ontwikkelingen voor een breed spectrum van doelgroepen door middel van onderzoek, opleidingen en via de platformfunctie. Clingendael adviseert daarnaast overheid, parlement, sociale organisaties en de private sector. Het Instituut verzorgt tevens het maandelijkse online Clingendael Magazine Internationale Spectator i.


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