Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of EU-Financed Projects: Why and How? CBA Guide programming period 2014-2020, Barcelona

Magische Fontein van Montjuïc in Barcelona
datum 23 oktober 2017 - 25 oktober 2017
plaats Barcelona, Spanje
organisatie European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) i

This three-day highly practical seminar will cover all essential aspects of Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) in 2014-2020, in line with the European Commission GUIDE on CBA published in December 2014. It will be presented by representatives of the European Commission and expert from JASPERS - the lead author of the CBA Guide.

It explains why Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) continues to be one of the most important tools in the programming period 2014- 2020, not only for beneficiaries of EU funds, but also for national and regional administrations (managing authorities and intermediate bodies of EU co-financed programmes) in their decision-making process regarding investment projects. It gives also reply to the question how to prepare the best CBA, how to assess CBA and how European Court of Auditors audits CBA.

The seminar will also cover the closure of major projects and the so-called ‘phased projects’, for which a first stage is financed from 2007-2013, and the second stage to be financed in 2014-2020. Moreover, this seminar looks at how those major projects could benefit from a simplified approval procedure.

What you gain

You will improve your theoretical and practical knowledge of elaboration and assessment of CBAs prepared for EU Structural and Cohesion Fund investment projects. These projects will conform to the DG Regio requirements, including the Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis and general and implementing regulations. You will practice all elements during workshops in small working groups with the direct involvement of EC, ECA and JASPERS experts.

Who will benefit most?

Beneficiaries eligible for Structural Funds, Cohesion Fund and IPA II (national, regional and local administrations, NGOs, agencies, SMEs, associations, and others), managing authorities, certifying authorities, consulting companies and other actors involved in EU funding programmes and projects.

In case you register for the two consecutive seminars on CBA Why and How and CBA Advanced, you will be offered a reduction of €200 in total.

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European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

Het Europees instituut voor bestuurskunde (beter bekend als The European Institute of Public Administration - ofwel EIPA) streeft ernaar om de kennis van ambtenaren die zich met de EU bezighouden te vergroten door het ontwikkelen en organiseren van trainingen. Het instituut wil wetenschappelijke kennis en praktische 'know–how' met elkaar verbinden. EIPA bestaat al meer dan 35 jaar.

Het hoofdkantoor van EIPA is gevestigd in Maastricht en heeft dependances in Luxemburg en Barcelona. Gemiddeld nemen 14.000 nationale en Europese ambtenaren per jaar deel aan de trainingen. Daarnaast biedt EIPA ook consultancy, onderzoek en op maat gemaakte programma’s/trainingen aan. Bij EIPA werken circa 120 hoogopgeleide medewerkers.


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