Zorgen over weinig EFSI-investeringen in transportsector

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Matthijs) van Miltenburg i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 5 september 2017, 2:45.

Op 5 september 2017 heb ik schriftelijke vragen aan de Commissie gesteld over de lage investeringen in de transportsector. Deze vragen worden ook ondersteund door mijn Franse liberale collega Dominique Riquet. Ik vind het zorgelijk dat slechts 9% van alle investeringen onder het EFSI (“Juncker Plan”) naar transport gaat. Vooral omdat er vanuit de Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) veel subsidiegeld naar EFSI is ondergebracht, moet dit percentage simpelweg omhoog. Ik vraag dan ook aan de Commissie of ze het hier mee eens is, en wat hun acties worden. Een antwoord moet binnen drie weken binnen zijn.

Zie hieronder de vragen in het Engels:

Question for written answer (Priority)

to the Commission

Rule 130

Matthijs van Miltenburg (ALDE), Dominique Riquet (ALDE)

Subject: Only 9% of all EFSI-investments to the transport sector

According to the EIB Group Figures of 18 July 2017, only 9% of all investments mobilized through EFSI have benefited the transport sector. However, the budget dedicated to transport under the Connecting Europe Facility made the largest contribution to the creation of the EFSI EU-guarantee. Moreover, the calls for proposal under the Connecting Europe Facility were considered as a success, due to the oversubscription of the calls.

According to the EFSI Regulation of 25 June 2015, the Commission shall, as appropriate, provide guidance on combining the use of Union instruments with EIB financing under the EU guarantee, so as to ensure coordination, complementarity and synergies. Moreover, in this Regulation the Commission concluded an agreement with the EIB on the management of the EFSI and on the granting of the EU guarantee. To that extend,

  • Could the Commission explain the low percentage of transport projects?
  • Does the Commission agree that a better balance between transport and the other sectors is needed?
  • Could the Commission explain in which way it will restore this imbalance?