First Year of President Trump: The Challenges & Future for Progressive Forces, Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 8 november 2017
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Altiero Spinelli (ASP) i Toon locatie
aanwezigen (Helmut) Scholz i, (Matt) Carthy i e.a.
organisatie Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links (GUE/NGL) i

Wednesday 8 November • 14.30-18.30 European Parliament room ASP 1G2


08 Nov 17



First Year of the Trump Presidency - The Challenges & Future for Progressive Forces

8th November, European Parliament, ASP 1G2


With Interpretation

13.45-14.15 Entrance & Registration of Visitors & Guests

14.30-14.40 Introduction - One Year After The Election of Trump, President of GUE NGL - Gabi Zimmer

14.40-15.40 First Panel - Challenging Injustice & Inequality

-Trade policy Under Trump, Manuel P. Rocha, Institute for Policy Studies Washington, Associate Fellow

-The Erosion of Social Equality and Workers Rights, David Duhalde, Democratic Socialists of America, Deputy Director

-Environmental Impact of Corporate Influence & Political Corruption, Ben Beachy, Sierra Club, Senior Policy Advisor

-Building progressive forces, Winnie Wong, People for Bernie -Co-Founder

Chairs: Matt Carthy MEP, Helmut Scholz MEP

15.40-16.20pm Debate

16.20-16.30pm Conclusion of First Panel

16.30-16.35pm Coffee Break

16.35-17.35 Second Panel - War & Peace

-National Security Whistleblowing in the Age of Donald Trump, John Kiriakou, ex-CIA whistleblower, Best-selling Author

-The Anti-War Movement in the US, Medea Benjamin, Code Pink: Women for Peace, Co-Founder & Author

-The future of international relations & nuclear disarmament, Dr.James Skelly, Centre on Critical Thinking, Founder & Academic Director

-Cuba & the Situation in Latin America -Her Excellency Norma Goicochea Estenoz, Ambassador of Cuba to the EU

Skype Intervention: MD Robert Jay Lifton, Lecturer in Psychiatry at Columbia University, Member of Physicians for Social Responsibility and the "Duty to Warn" movement

Chairs:Iosu Juaristi MEP, Stelios Kolouglou MEP

17.35-18.15 Debate

18.15-18.25 Conclusion of Second Panel

6.25-6.30 Closing Speech, Helmut Scholz MEP

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Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links (GUE/NGL)

Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links is een linkse tot extreemlinkse fractie in het Europees Parlement en bestaat hoofdzakelijk uit partijen met een socialistische of (soms voormalige) communistische achtergrond. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de Duitse partij Die Linke, de Griekse en Tsjechische communisten.

GUE/NGL telt 37 leden afkomstig uit 13 lidstaten. Hiermee is het de kleinste fractie in het huidige Europees Parlement. GUE/NGL haalde haar beste resultaat in 2014, toen zij 52 zetels behaalde. In tegenstelling tot enkele andere fracties heeft GUE/NGL geen partijorganisatie.


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