Bulgaria and Macedonia have taken an important step towards coupling “day-ahead” electricity markets

Met dank overgenomen van Bulgaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2018 (Bulgaars voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 18 mei 2018.

Bulgaria and Macedonia will cooperate in a pilot project on the integration of energy markets between an EU Member State and a Contracting Party to the Energy Community Treaty. This is regulated in a Memorandum between the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia for coupling “day-ahead” electricity markets. The document was signed on 18 May 2018 by Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova and her Macedonian counterpart, Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi, in the framework of the EU-Western Balkans summit held in Sofia.

The Memorandum aims at creating an equal legal and regulatory basis for coupling “day-ahead” electricity markets between the two countries under non-discriminatory and fair conditions.

The signing of this document between the two countries is an element of the joint efforts of connectivity in the energy sector, employment and development of a competitive and integrated energy market in the region, fully in line with the coherent policy of the Republic of Bulgaria to ensure a sustainable and affordable energy supply for Southeast Europe.