Jurists/Linguists Group



Document­datum 11-09-2018
Publicatie­datum 12-09-2018
Kenmerk CM 4225/18
Externe link originele PDF
Originele document in PDF



Council of the European Union General Secretariat

Brussels, 11 September 2018

CM 4225/18




Contact: secretariat.juriste-linguiste@consilium.europa.eu

Tel./Fax: + (Ms. TENDERENDA Maria)

Subject: Jurists/Linguists Group

Date: 12 October 2018

Time: 10.00



Rue de la Loi 145, 1048 BRUSSELS

The working party will meet on the above date in order to finalise the following text from a legal and linguistic point of view:

"Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications"

Doc J/L PE 51/18 INIT - 2016/0286 (COD) i

(Base documents: ST 10249/2018 INIT, ST 12257/2016 INIT)

Your comments relating to all other language versions must be sent to the relevant team of the DQL by 02/10/2018 at 17h00. Linguistic comments transmitted after that date cannot be taken into account.

During the meeting, only the text of the base language is discussed and finalised. On that basis, and taking into account the accepted comments, the other languages are aligned.

The presence of experts at the meeting is desirable.

Your attention is drawn to the following:

• Paper copies of documents will no longer be provided in the meeting room. You should therefore ensure that you have the latest version of the text to be discussed at the meeting.

• In order to ensure the smooth running of the meeting, it is essential that all delegates follow the specific pagination of the text of the base language. In addition, please ensure that you use the version containing track changes and that you remove the "balloon view" function.

• In order to receive travel reimbursement delegates are required to register electronically in the Delegates Portal which is accessed through the GSC website. Registration is to be made on the day of the meeting.

• If you have no access to Delegates Portal, please send the Conferences Division ( security.accreditation@consilium.europa.eu ) an announcement of your attendance as soon as possible.

• Council documents are available on Delegates Portal. Room attendants will provide copies on request at the earliest possibility.

• Please send the Protocol Service a list of your delegates to this meeting as soon as possible, to the email address protocole.participants@consilium.europa.eu


Council Jurist-Linguists:

Language E-mail

President adela-elena.danciu@consilium.europa.eu BG dqlequipe.bg@consilium.europa.eu

CS dqlequipe.cs@consilium.europa.eu

DA dqlequipe.da@consilium.europa.eu

DE dqlequipe.de@consilium.europa.eu

EL dqlequipe.el@consilium.europa.eu

EN dqlequipe.en@consilium.europa.eu

ES dqlequipe.es@consilium.europa.eu

ET dqlequipe.et@consilium.europa.eu

FI dqlequipe.fi@consilium.europa.eu

FR dqlequipe.fr@consilium.europa.eu

GA dqlequipe.ga@consilium.europa.eu

HR dqlequipe.hr@consilium.europa.eu

HU dqlequipe.hu@consilium.europa.eu

IT dqlequipe.it@consilium.europa.eu

LT dqlequipe.lt@consilium.europa.eu

LV dqlequipe.lv@consilium.europa.eu

MT dqlequipe.mt@consilium.europa.eu

NL dqlequipe.nl@consilium.europa.eu

PL dqlequipe.pl@consilium.europa.eu

PT dqlequipe.pt@consilium.europa.eu

RO dqlequipe.ro@consilium.europa.eu

SK dqlequipe.sk@consilium.europa.eu

SL dqlequipe.sl@consilium.europa.eu

SV dqlequipe.sv@consilium.europa.eu



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