Book presentation: 'Secularism: Politics, Religion and Freedom', Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 5 februari 2019 13:30
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Altiero Spinelli (ASP) i Toon locatie
aanwezigen (Mairead) McGUINNESS e.a.
organisatie Bureau van het Europees Parlement (BURO)

Under its Religion & Society book presentation series, the EP hosts Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of Humanists UK, presenting his book Secularism: Politics, Religion, and Freedom (Oxford University Press, 2017). The book traces the history of secularism from the 18th century and looks at how secular states deal with religious identity politics, religious states with secularism. It asks how secularism links with issues like blasphemy, religious persecution and discrimination, freedom of belief.


  • Mairead McGUINNESS, MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament
  • Andrew COPSON, Chief Executive of Humanists UK, President of the International Humanist and Ethical Union
  • Philippe PERCHOC, Policy Analyst, EPRS

Location: Library Reading Room, Altiero Spinelli Building, ASP D, fifth floor

Last updated: 08-01-2019


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