European Network of Ombudsmen Conference 2019 - Improving participatory democracy in the EU, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 8 april 2019
plaats Brussel, België
aanwezigen E. (Emily) O'Reilly i e.a.
organisatie Europese Ombudsman i

Do citizens feel they can shape EU decisions? What makes a successful participatory democracy tool? How can public administrations, ombudsmen and others better involve citizens in decision-making?

On the eve of the European elections, European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly invites you to the annual European Network of Ombudsmen conference, which will discuss measures to improve participatory democracy in the EU.

This annual event brings together around 100 national and regional ombudsmen from all over Europe, as well as MEPs, EU officials, organisations and other interested participants. The European Ombudsman chairs the European Network of Ombudsmen and coordinates cooperation among colleagues across Europe.

The European Ombudsman helps thousands of citizens each year through handling complaints and replying to requests for information. Inquiries opened by Ms O’Reilly concern issues ranging from language rights, to access to information, and transparency.

Join the Twitter debate at: #ENO2019

Venue: Room P3C050, European Parliament


Europese Ombudsman

Europese burgers, bedrijven of instellingen kunnen een klacht over wanbeheer van een Europese instelling indienen bij de Europese Ombudsman. Deze stelt naar aanleiding van de klacht een onderzoek in. De meeste klachten betreffen onnodige vertraging bij procedures, weigering om informatie te verstrekken, discriminatie en machtsmisbruik. De Ombudsman kan ook op eigen initiatief een onderzoek instellen.


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