Romania helps EU to elaborate / develop an expertise mechanism for the preservation of cultural heritage

Met dank overgenomen van Roemeens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2019 (Roemeens voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 4 mei 2019.

Minister of Culture and National Identity, Valer-Daniel Breaz, co-chaired, together with his French counterpart, Franck Riester, the informal meeting of EU Ministers of Culture and European Affairs in the EU Member States on the theme “European Patrimony”, held in Paris on 3 May 2019. This informal meeting intended to continue the discussions started within the Romanian presidency on the preservation of the European heritage in order to identify efficient solutions for the rescue of historical monuments in jeopardy / in danger.

During the informal meeting, two central themes were debated: the creation of a network of experts to strengthen the protection of European cultural heritage and to provide new opportunities for young Europeans by involving them in projects promoting cultural heritage.

Minister Valer-Daniel Breaz declared: “During the Presidency of Romania at the EU Council, the tragedy at Notre-Dame proves that our conjoint efforts are very important in order to save the heritage in danger. Sharing available resources from each Member State by creating a strong network, would strengthen the capacity on an immediat response and the existing expertise in restoration and conservation.”

Also, French Minister Franck Riester said: “The fire at Notre-Dame has reminded us that heritage unites the Europeans. Today, Europe of Culture spoke in one voice.”

Ministers endorsed a Declaration proposing the establishment of an European mechanism for the rescue of endangered heritage by strengthening exchanges of best practices or facilitating / simplifying the provision of specialized expertise needed in emergency situations when a Member State needs it.