‘Effectiveness, efficiency and results of EU aid for sustainable development’, Brussel

Paul-Henri Spaakgebouw (PHS) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 22 januari 2020 14:30
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) i Toon locatie
aanwezigen J.P. (Jutta) Urpilainen i e.a.
organisatie EP-Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (DEVE) i

On Wednesday 22 January 2020, the Committee on Development (DEVE) will hold a public hearing on effectiveness, efficiency and results of EU aid for sustainable development with experts, including the Co-Chair of the Global Partnership of Effective Development Cooperation, Mr Thomas Gass, OECD DAC Chair Ms Susanna Moorehead, Mr Vitalice Meja of the network "Reality of Aid Africa" and Ms Jean-Letitia Saldanha of the European Network on Debt and Development.

The aim of the hearing would be to ensure that the EU aid for sustainable development is effective and efficient and it will feed into a Parliament resolution on increasing the effectiveness of development cooperation that DEVE Committee will prepare in the first semester of 2020.

Location: Paul-Henri Spaak 5B001

Last updated: 20-01-2020

  • Public Hearing DRAFT PROGRAMME

    ‘Effectiveness, efficiency and results of EU aid for sustainable


    organised by the

    Committee on Development (DEVE)

    Wednesday 22 January 2020, 14h30 - 17h00 European Parliament, Brussels, room Paul-Henri Spaak 5B001

    14:30 Welcome and introductory remarks

    Tomas Tobé, Chair of the Committee on Development

    Moderator: Hildegard Bentele, MEP

    14:40 ‘Reviewing the development effectiveness practice and principles’

    Thomas Gass, Co-Chair of the Global Partnership for

    Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) and Assistant Director

    General Swiss Agency of Development and Cooperation (SDC)

    14:50 ‘Dynamics and challenges for development effectiveness - the donors

    perspective ’

    Susanna Moorehead, Chair of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC)

    15:00 Q&A session

    15:40 ‘Realities of development aid and challenges for effectiveness - views

    from the South’

    Vitalice Meja, consultative Co-Chair of GPEDC and Executive Director of the civil society network “Reality of Aid Africa”

    15:50 Q&A session

    16:10 ‘Effectiveness to Impact - Study on the application of the effectiveness

    principles’ (Video presentation by Andrew Benfield)

    16:15 ‘Undermining or stepping up development effectiveness ’

    Jean Letitia Saldanha, Director of the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodat)

    16:25 Q&A session


    Concluding discussion and remarks by Hildegard Bentele, MEP


EP-Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (DEVE)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich bezig met het beleid voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking van de EU en met de uitzending van verkiezingswaarnemers.

De commissie bestaat uit 51 leden. Zij speelt een belangrijke rol bij de bepaling van de uitgaven van de EU voor ontwikkelingshulp, en controleert de activiteiten en uitgaven van de Europese Commissie op dit gebied.


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