New internal structure of the European Labour Authority

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Arbeidsautoriteit (EAA) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 23 maart 2021.

The Authority’s new organigram fosters an integrated, collaborative, action-oriented approach.

Ensuring fair and effective labour mobility across the EU i is a complex and multi-faceted endeavour. To fulfil ELA’s mandate, the Authority established an organizational structure that fosters an integrated, collaborative, and action-oriented approach.

To introduce the working of ELA in a transparent manner, the Authority established a circular organigram.

This circular nature reflects the interconnectedness of ELA’s tasks, and the Authority’s commitment to delivering quality results in all its operational areas.

ELA is organised in the following units:

  • Enforcement and analysis: Enhances and supports the enforcement of EU legislation
  • Information and EURES: Facilitates access to information and services and manages EURES
  • Cooperation and Support: Strengthens cooperation and exchange among EU Member States and ELA’s interaction with national administrations
  • Governance and Coordination: Ensures the Authority’s horizontal coordination, governance, external relations, compliance, programming and reporting, and communication activities
  • Resources: Provides the necessary means to enable the Authority’s effective functioning

Since December 2020, Mr. Cosmin Boiangiu is the Executive Director responsible for ELA’s day-to-day management.