25 resultaten van het Iers voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 28 juni 2013.

On the last working day of Ireland's Presidency of the Council of the EU, we synopsise 25 steps forward achieved under our programme for stability, jobs and growth.


No.1: JOBS & GROWTH EU-US Trade talks mandate. Potential for 400,000 extra EU jobs

No.2: JOBS & GROWTH EU-US mandate part of wider EU trade agenda. Japan negotiations launched & progress made with Canada.

No.3: JOBS & GROWTH Agreement on the Youth Guarantee with €6bn fund underpinning it

No.4: STABILITY Stronger banks with stronger supervision through SSM and CRD4

No.5: STABILITY Better budgeting for stability, growth&jobs through TwoPack & European Semester

No.6: JOBS & GROWTH Major progress on key initiatives in DigitalAgenda, including data protection and e-identification

No.7: JOBS & GROWTH through our natural resources - Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance launched

No.8: JOBS & GROWTH Focus on SMEs. Cutting red tape with Accounting and Transparency Directives

No.9: JOBS & GROWTH advancing Single Market through modernised state aid rules

No.10: JOBS & GROWTH Improved consumer rights such as new mortgage credit rules

No.11: JOBS & GROWTH Improved consumer rights in online/offline dispute resolution

No.12: JOBS & GROWTH for education & mobility. Better recognition of professional qualifications

No.13: JOBS & GROWTH through the special €2billion SME support fund COSME

No.14: JOBS & GROWTH through agreed TENT guidelines, developing the EU's transport infrastructure

No.15: BETTER JOBS Enhanced worker safety through new laws for seafarers, exploration workers, drivers & port employees

No.16: ENVIRONMENT New phase in EU's environment policy with 7th Environment Action Programme

No.17: EU AND ITS NEIGHBOURS Good progress on enlargement, EU to welcome Croatia on 1st July

No.18: DEVELOPMENT Progress on unified voice for post2015 development framework,aid resumed to Mali

No.19: JOBS & GROWTH through key education and mobility measures such Erasmus Plus

No.20: JOBS & GROWTH through our natural resources - major reforms of CAP and CFP

No.21: JOBS & GROWTH through greater opportunities in EU public procurement, worth 18% of EU GDP

No.22: JOBS & GROWTH for EU's innovators with the €70bn Horizon2020 Research support programme

No.23: JOBS & GROWTH through the Cohesion package

No.24: JOBS & GROWTH Agreement on MFF, EU's €0.96 trillion investment programme for 2014-2020

No.25: In fact, there were much more than 25 Steps. All 335 press releases from eu2013ie can be viewed here