Sandglasses by Juste Janulyte, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 18 december 2013
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Flagey, Studio 4, Place Sainte-Croix /Heilig Kruisplein, 1050 Toon locatie
organisatie Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i

Four cellists sit on the stage. In one hour, they will go through their entire register, but at different tempos, thus creating a polytemporal canon. Furthermore, each cello is recorded and then layered by electronic means, thus making every instrument the source of its own canon. The sound of four cellos is transformed into an orchestra of 400. And each player is shrouded in invisible tulle, on which light projections appear. Sometimes they swirl in small flakes like snow, and sometimes they turn to stone.

This is the experience of Sandglasses, created by Juste Janulyte, a young Lithuanian composer, along with her international team of video and electronic music artists, most notably the Italian Luca Scarzella, and performed by soloists of the Gaida ensemble.

As the title suggests, the inspiration for the project was hourglasses, which can be of different durations and different capacities, like the tempos of the cellos, but which also have multiple symbolic and poetic associations that the composer sets out to explore in her music.


Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013

Van 1 juli tot en met 31 december 2013 vervulde Litouwen voor de eerste keer in haar geschiedenis het voorzitterschap i van de Raad van de Europese Unie i. Litouwen nam het stokje over van Ierland i. Tijdens het voorzitterschap werkte Litouwen werkte nauw samen in een trojka i met Griekenland en Ierland.

Griekenland i nam op 1 januari 2014 het voorzitterschap over.


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