Individual members: conference on free movement in the EU, Maastricht

© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen / PDC
datum 25 april 2015
plaats Maastricht
locatie Netherlands Toon locatie
aanwezigen C. (Cora) van Nieuwenhuizen-Wijbenga i e.a.
organisatie Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa (partij) (ALDE) i

ALDE party individual membership is not only about promoting liberalism in Europe - it is also about creating a cross border community of pro-European individuals.

To overcome symbolic, physical and economic borders we have to work together. For the first time, individual members from north western Europe - the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France and Belgium will gather on Saturday 25 April in Maastricht to discuss challenges and solutions to overcome those borders.

Attend our cross-border conference on Saturday 25 April and participate actively in our workshops!

Three topics will be on the agenda of the conference:

  • Free movement of people
  • Cross-border and regional cooperation
  • Free movement of capital

The topics will be discussed with European liberal politicians including ALDE Party President Sir Graham Watson, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen MEP, D66 group leader in the Limburg provincial assembly Leon Vaessen and VVD Limburg provincial assembly member Anton Kirkels.

For further information on the event and on the venue, please refer to the programme. The venue is easily reachable by car and only a 20 minutes walk from the Maastricht train station (see map below).

You can register your participation here. There is a 20€ participation fee which includes your participation, lunch and a reception following the event. You can pay online!.

Travel arrangements are the responsibility of the participants. No travel refund is available.


Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa (partij) (ALDE)

De Partij van de Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa (ALDE) is een transnationale, overkoepelende partij van liberalen. De ALDE, voorheen ELDR, bestaat sinds 1976 als samenwerkingsverband en werd in 1993 een zelfstandige Europese partij. Er zijn bijna 60 partijen bij de ALDE aangesloten, waaronder de Nederlandse partijen VVD i en D66 i, de Duitse Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) en de Deense partijen Venstre en Radikale Venstre.


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