ENVE commission exploring the European Green Capital 2015 - study visit in Bristol

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 september 2015.

On the 7th and 8th of September, the Committee of the Regions (CoR) ENVE commission had a chance to visit the European Green Capital 2015 - Bristol. The ENVE delegation, led by Andre van de Nadort ( Mayor of Ten Boer, NL) was warmly welcomed by amongst others Clare Campion-Smith, Lord Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson, Mayor of Bristol, Andrew Garrad, Chair of Bristol 2015 and several city councillors. Mr. van de Nadort stressed that the visit to Bristol has a strategic importance for working towards a more structured cooperation within the Network of European Green Capitals.

During the study visit, members of the ENVE Commission were presented with the local strategies in the fields of environment, energy and innovation. Bristol was awarded this ‘green title’ thanks to its innovative approach to environmental sustainability. Nearly £2 million were invested in 189 sustainable projects, going from small scale community projects to large scale innovations.

Mr. van de Nadort said: "we are all impressed by the commitment towards creating a lasting framework for Bristol’s citizens to life in a healthy urban environment, its green business to prosper and its communities to engage together in sustainable solutions". The hosts explained, that they want to use Bristol’s unique spirit - which the jury highlighted when they awarded the title of European Green Capital 2015 - to show other cities and citizens how they can play a key role in solving some of the biggest challenges of our time.

This study visit provided practical examples of how the European Green Capital Award recognises and rewards local efforts to improve the environment, economy and the quality of life of the growing urban population, namely by: co-operations and partnerships between authorities, citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders aimed at developing and improving urban living conditions; integrated mobility and air/noise policy: promotion of walking/cycling in Bristol and reducing car traffic, urban regeneration and sophisticated pollution monitoring, and supporting local energy (efficiency) projects. The delegation visited the Filwood Green Business Park, which is a rehabilitated brownfield site offering different services and places for mainly green businesses.

City representatives confirmed, that 2015 is a pivotal global moment for sustainability with the UN Conference on Climate Change hosted in Paris at the end of the year. As the only city in the world with an official and significant ‘green’ title, Bristol has become an epicentre for global discussion and debate.

If you want to know more, visit the website of this year green capital and discover environmental practises in Bristol.

Contact :

Julia Rokicka

Tel. +32 2 282 24 47

Mobile: +32 489 212 044
