High level conference on "Protecting online privacy by enhancing IT security ", Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

08-12-2015 - High level conference on "Protecting online privacy by enhancing IT security "

LIBE 09-02-2016 - 15:45

The European Parliament conducted in 2013 an Inquiry on "electronic mass surveillance", resulting in an initial resolution adopted in March 2014 and a follow-up one in October 2015.

An important part of these two resolutions addresses the question of the current vulnerability of EU IT security and suggests several actions in this field to enhance European citizens' online privacy, such as: enhancing encryption and anonymization of electronic communications; developing minimum security or privacy standards for IT systems, networks and services; reshaping the internet architecture; boosting EU IT technological capabilities.

This high-level conference, organized together with the Luxembourg Presidency, aims at bringing together outstanding European academics and professionals in the various fields conductive to online privacy and the main policy makers at national and European level in this area in order to discuss these complex issues, interact and come up with bold, innovative ideas to help foster an EU IT and online privacy protection strategy for the next years.

Location : European Parliament Brussels - Altiero Spinelli (ASP) A5G-2


EP-Commissie Burgerlijke vrijheden, justitie en binnenlandse zaken (LIBE)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich onder meer bezig met de rechten van de burgers van de EU, bestrijding van discriminatie, vrij verkeer van personen, asiel en migratie en de samenwerking bij de rechtsgang.

Deze commissie telt 69 leden. De belangrijkste taak van de commissie is de wetgeving en het democratisch toezicht op het beleid dat de Europese Unie in staat stelt haar burgers vrijheid, veiligheid te bieden. Hierbij zorgt de commissie ervoor dat de waarden uit het EU-Handvest van de grondrechten i in de gehele Europese Unie worden gehandhaafd.


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