Workshop on ‘Recasting the Brussels IIa Regulation’

Paul-Henri Spaakgebouw (PHS) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 8 november 2016
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) i Toon locatie
zaal 5B001
aanwezigen (Tadeusz) Zwiefka i, (Mairead) McGUINNESS e.a.
organisatie EP-Commissie Juridische zaken (JURI) i

08-11-2016 - Workshop on ‘Recasting the Brussels IIa Regulation’

JURI 06-12-2016 - 11:05

parliament's logo on the dark blue background on the top of the poster; white/beige background for the rest of the poster; a child's drawing of a family, the paper is torn

On 8 November 2016 the Committee on Legal Affairs held a Workshop on ‘Recasting the Brussels IIa Regulation’. Brussels IIa Regulation, which applies since 2005 in all EU Member States except Denmark, is the cornerstone of EU judicial cooperation in matrimonial and parental responsibility matters.

Despite its undoubted success, the regulation has raised concerns among citizens, practitioners and academics during the past ten years of its application. As a result, the European Commission submitted a proposal to recast Regulation 2201/2003 on jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, and on international child abduction on 30 June 2016.

Against this background, the workshop brought together Members of the European Parliament and a number of experts, practitioners and academics with a view to assessing the proposed amendments to the text and prepare the EP position, focusing on the main changes proposed by the Commission.

Location : PHS 5B001

Background documents


EP-Commissie Juridische zaken (JURI)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich bezig met de interpretatie en toepassing van het Europees recht i en relevant internationaal recht, met de vereenvoudiging van het recht van de EU en andere juridische aangelegenheden.

De commissie telt 25 leden. Een van de belangrijkste taak van deze commissieleden is het helpen van het Europees Parlement om een weloverwogen standpunt in te nemen over juridische kwesties zoals: immuniteiten, keuze van de rechtsgrondslag en geschillen voor het Hof van Justitie.


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