Tuesday 14 February 2017 - Comitology Proposals, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 14 februari 2017
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Brussels, Belgium Toon locatie
organisatie Europese Commissie (EC) i

European Commission - Upcoming events

Tuesday 14 February 2017 - Comitology Proposals

Following the orientation debate on 1 February, the Commission will present a proposal on 14 February to revise the Comitology Regulation, in line with the commitment of President Juncker in his State of the Union speech. The aim will be to ensure that political responsibility is taken where the applicable legislation requires.

The background:

In his State of the Union Speech in September 2016, President Juncker said, "It is not right that when EU countries cannot decide among themselves whether or not to ban the use of glyphosate in herbicides, the Commission is forced by Parliament and Council to take a decision. So we will change those rules." This initiative is included in the priorities of the Commission's Work Programme for 2017. In recent years the Commission has been regularly obliged to take decisions on very sensitive issues when Member States have not been able to take a position, in particular with regards to topics like GMOs or glyphosate.

Since the beginning of its mandate, the Juncker Commission has taken a number of internal measures to ensure that a political debate is held at the level of the College before submitting proposals for delegated or implementing acts on sensitive subjects.

The event:

Details will be communicated in due course.

The sources:

Readout of Commission Orientation Debate on 1 February http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express-01-02-2017.htm


Press contacts:

Natasha BERTAUD (+32 2 296 74 56)

Tim McPHIE (+ 32 2 295 86 02)

General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email


Europese Commissie (EC)

Deze instelling van de Europese Unie kan worden beschouwd als het 'dagelijks bestuur' van de EU. De leden van de Europese Commissie worden 'Eurocommissarissen i' genoemd. Elke Eurocommissaris is verantwoordelijk voor één of meerdere beleidsgebieden. Momenteel zijn er 26 Eurocommissarissen. In principe is er voor iedere lidstaat één. Samen vormen zij het college van Eurocommissarissen. De Eurocommissarissen moeten het belang van de Europese Unie als geheel behartigen, niet dat van hun eigen land.

De Europese Commissie mag als enige EU-instelling wetsvoorstellen indienen; zij heeft het zogenaamde recht van initatief. Daarnaast controleert de Commissie of de Europese wetgeving juist wordt toegepast in de lidstaten, onderhandelt zij in internationale organisaties als de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) i over de handel van de Unie met het 'buitenland' en is zij verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van de Europese begroting van ongeveer 140 miljard euro per jaar.


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