Democratic Complementarity: Implementing Treaty Provisions on National Parliaments, Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 20 maart 2017 16:30
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Altiero Spinelli (ASP) i Toon locatie
organisatie EP-Commissie Constitutionele zaken (AFCO) i

Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs Directorate for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs


Democratic Complementarity:


Implementing the Treaty Provisions on National Parliaments



20 March 2017, Altiero Spinelli, ASP 3E-2, 16.30-18.00

16.30-16.35 Welcome by the AFCO Chair Danuta HÜBNER, MEP

Research papers

16.35-17.05 Presentations by experts


Dr Olivier ROZENBERG, Associate Professor, Centre d'études européennes, Sciences Po (Paris)

The Role of National Parliaments in the EU after Lisbon: Potentialities and Challenges

Dr Diane FROMAGE, Assistant Professor, Subsidiarity as a means to enhance Faculty of Law, Maastricht University cooperation between EU Institutions

and National Parliaments

Dr Lufs HELENO TERRINHA, Guest    The Legisprudential role of National

Professor, Porto Faculty of Law,    Parliaments in the European Union

Universidade Católica Portuguesa

17.05-17.35 Questions and debate

17.35-18.00 Replies by experts


Dr OLIVIER ROZENBERG is an Associate Professor at Sciences Po (Paris) within the Centre d'études européennes. He is a political scientist specialised in legislative studies (legislators' behaviour, comparative studies), European studies (EU institutions, France in Europe) and, between both areas, in the role of parliaments in the governance of the EU. Professor Rozenberg has published a number of collective books, including "Parliamentary Roles in Modern Legislatures" (with Magnus Blomgren, Routledge, 2012) and "The Roles and Function of Parliamentary Questions" (with Shane Martin, Routledge, 2012). He is also co-editor of the "Palgrave Handbook on National Parliaments and the European Union" (2015). In 2012, he coordinated, together with Professor Wessels, a study for the European Parliament about national parliaments control over the European council.


Dr DIANE FROMAGE is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law, in Maastricht University. She is an expert on national and regional parliaments in the EU. Dr Fromage has authored and coauthored numerous book chapters and journal articles on issues related to the role of parliaments in EU affairs, their control of the respect of the principle of subsidiarity and interparliamentary cooperation. Dr Fromage has also published a monograph on the role of the British, French, German, Italian and Spanish national and regional parliaments in 2015 (Les Parlements dans l'Union Européenne après le Traité de Lisbonne. La participation des parlements allemands, britanniques, espagnols, frangais et italiens, L'Harmattan). She is currently preparing a second monograph forthcoming in 2019 (Changing parliaments in a changing European Union: The role of parliaments in larger Member States, Hart).

Dr LUIS HELENO TERRINHA is a Guest Professor in Porto Faculty of Law of Universidade Católica Portuguesa. He is an expert on Public Law: since 2011, he has authored numerous articles in Portuguese journals on European Union law, administrative law, constitutional law, legal theory and sociology of law. Dr Heleno Terrinha has also been asked to advise public and private entities on issues of administrative law. He is currently preparing the publication in Portuguese of his Ph.D. thesis "Administrative Law in Society" (translation), due in April 2017.



Internet: ane.fromage


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