Hearing on Protection of workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work, Brussel

József Antall-gebouw; (c) Atelier de Genval- Cerau - M. Van Campenhout, - Tractebel dev s.a. et ingénieurs associés
(c) Atelier de Genval- Cerau - M. Van Campenhout, - Tractebel dev s.a. et ingénieurs associés

This public hearing is linked to the ongoing discussions on the legislative proposal amending Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work (rapporteur Claude Rolin (EPP, FR). The presentation of the proposal by Commissioner Marianne Thyssen will be followed by presentations of representatives from OSHA, social partners, and an academic expert, as well as an exchange of views with Members.

The aim of this hearing is a debate on the scientific and economic consideration underlying this important proposal and in particular on its expected implications for the main stakeholders concerned.

Location: József Antall (2Q2)

Last updated: 05-07-2017

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  • Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Public Hearing on

    'Protection of workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work’ Thursday, 13 July 2017, 10h30-12h30 Room: József Antall (2Q2)

    European Parliament Brussels

    Introduction : 10h30-10h45

    • • 
      Welcome and opening remarks by Marita ULVSKOG, EMPL vice-Chair and Minister Jevgeni OSSINOVSKI (Estonian Minister of Labour and Health)

    Presentations of the legislative proposal : 10h45-11h30

    • • 
      Marianne THYSSEN, EU Commissioner responsible for employment, social affairs, skills and labour mobility
    • • 
      Questions and answers

    Panel speakers : 11h30-12h20

    • • 
      Andrea HARTWIG, Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL)
    • • 
      Elke SCHNEIDER, Prevention and Research Unit, European Agency for Safety and Health at work
    • • 
      Laurent VOGEL, Senior Researcher, European Trade Union Institute
    • • 
      Rebekah SMITH, Senior Adviser, Social affairs Department, Business Europe
    • • 
      Questions and answers

    Conclusion : 12h20-12h30

    Concluding remarks by Claude ROLIN, Rapporteur

    Other documents

    • Biographies of the panel speakers


EP-Commissie Werkgelegenheid en sociale zaken (EMPL)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich onder meer bezig met het werkgelegenheidsbeleid en sociaal beleid (waaronder arbeidsomstandigheden en sociale zekerheid), het beleid voor beroepsopleidingen en het vrije verkeer van werknemers.


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