Marianne Thyssen: Mission to Romania: visit to the European Social Fund project "Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases", Iaşi, Iași

Kalender (Bron: swedeandsour /
swedeandsour /
datum 12 oktober 2017
plaats Iași, Roemenië
aanwezigen R. (Rovana) Plumb i, M.L.P. (Marianne) Thyssen i e.a.

Marianne Thyssen in Iaşi, Romania: delivers a keynote speech at the opening and the closing of the Exhibition "60 years of EU"; hosts a Citizens' dialogue on the future of Europe - the future of Social Europe and the EU Social Pillar; and visits the EU-funded project "Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases", with Rovana Plumb, Minister-delegate for European Funds.


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