GUE/NGL Trade Union conference in cooperation with TUNE, Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 23 mei 2018 - 24 mei 2018
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Altiero Spinelli (ASP) i Toon locatie
organisatie Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links (GUE/NGL) i

Challenges for the future of work Wednesday 23 May, 15.00h - 18.30h


23 May 18 - 24 May 18

GUE/NGL Trade Union conference in cooperation with TUNE

23 and 24 May 2018, European Parliament, ASP 1 G 2, Brussels

Challenges for the future of work

Wednesday 23 May 2018


Welcome by Gabi Zimmer, President of the GUE/NGL and Heinz Bierbaum, TUNE

15.15 - 16.45

Overview of the parliamentary agenda in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL)

  • Mobility of workers:

EU social security coordination, Posting of Workers, ELA (European Labour Authority)

Gabi Zimmer, MEP, GUE/NGL

  • EU minimum workers´ right:

    Work-life balance directive

    Transparent and predictable working conditions directive

    Tania Gonzalez, MEP, GUE/NGL

  • Road mobility package

    Posting of workers, weekly working times, cabotage (EMPL + TRAN)

    Merja Kyllönen, MEP, GUE/NGL

Moderator: Heinz Bierbaum, TUNE

16.45 - 17.45

´Just Transition` and energy democracy - the perspective of trade unions

Sean Sweeny, TUED

Cornelia Ernst, MEP

17.45 - 18.30

Workers’ Struggles:

Organising among migrant workers in the German meat industry

Matthias Brünner, Food Workers Federation, NGG, Germany

Moderator: Mads Bruun Pedersen, TUNE

Thursday 24 May 2018

09.00- 10.00

After the Panama Papers - the fight against tax havens

  • Stephanie Blankenburg, Economist, UNCTAD
  • Martin Schirdewan, MEP, GUE/NGL

Moderator: Martin Krämer, TUNE

10.00 - 12.30

´The Social Progress Protocol`

  • Introduction, Esther Lynch, Confederal Secretary, ETUC
  • Position of the EESC[ii], Gaby Bischoff, President of the Workers´ Group (tbc)
  • Legal aspects of ´The Social Progress Protocol`, A. Garcia-Munoz, Univ. Castillia-La Mancha, Ciudad Real
  • Advantages for the workers, Palle Bisgaard, 3F General Workers Union, Denmark
  • Moving political process forward - means and aims, Rina Ronja Kari, MEP, GUE/NGL

Moderator: Henrik Bay Clausen, TUNE

12.30 - 14.30 Lunchbreak

14.30h - 16.00h

Digitalisation - platform workers? Self-employed? Falsely self-employed? Or precarious workers?

Jürgen Klippert, IG Metall, Germany

Paloma Lopez, GUE/NGL MEP

Moderator: Enrique Carmona, TUNE


Concluding remarks

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy

[ii] European Economic and Social Committee

For more information please contact:


Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links (GUE/NGL)

Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links is een linkse tot extreemlinkse fractie in het Europees Parlement en bestaat hoofdzakelijk uit partijen met een socialistische of (soms voormalige) communistische achtergrond. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de Duitse partij Die Linke, de Griekse en Tsjechische communisten.

GUE/NGL telt 37 leden afkomstig uit 13 lidstaten. Hiermee is het de kleinste fractie in het huidige Europees Parlement. GUE/NGL haalde haar beste resultaat in 2014, toen zij 52 zetels behaalde. In tegenstelling tot enkele andere fracties heeft GUE/NGL geen partijorganisatie.


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