Commission to show flexibility on CAP payments application deadline

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Landbouw en Plattelandsontwikkeling (AGRI) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 30 april 2018.

EU countries that wish to extend the deadline for farmers to submit their applications for direct payments and certain payment claims under rural development will be allowed to do so, Commissioner Phil Hogan has confirmed.

Several member states had requested the extension of the deadline as a result of delays in restructuring their administration of the scheme following earlier rule changes. Commissioner Hogan has confirmed that the deadline will be extended from 15 May to 15 June 2018, although it is up to member states to decide whether to use the extension. A formal implementing regulation confirming the extension will be adopted by the Commission soon.

Commissioner Hogan said: "The Commission's decision to extend this deadline will benefit farmers by allowing them an additional month in which to submit their applications or claims. The decision responds directly to a request from a number of member states that are implementing changes to their administrative system following increased flexibility in the administration of direct payments decided in the so-called Omnibus regulation earlier in the year. This has involved reorganisation of information technology systems, changes to procedures and awareness-raising activities towards beneficiaries to inform them of the new legal requirements. In addition, some member states are experiencing delays in the implementation of the geo-spatial aid application that have led to exceptional administrative difficulties there. Member states that decide to postpone the final date for submission of aid application up to 15 June must still ensure that rules on sound financial management are respected."