Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual plan for demersal stocks in the North Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks, specifying details of the implementation of the landing obligation in the North Sea and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 676/2007 and (EC) No 1342/2008 (first reading) - Adoption of the legislative act - Statements



Document­datum 08-06-2018
Publicatie­datum 09-06-2018
Kenmerk 9723/18 ADD 1
Van General Secretariat of the Council
Externe link origineel bericht
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Council of the European Union Brussels, 8 June 2018 (OR. en)


Interinstitutional File: ADD 1

2016/0238 (COD) i



From: General Secretariat of the Council

To: Permanent Representatives Committee/Council

Subject: Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual plan for demersal stocks in the North Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks, specifying details of the

implementation of the landing obligation in the North Sea and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 676/2007 i and (EC) No 1342/2008 (first reading) - Adoption of the legislative act - Statements

Joint Statement by the European Parliament and the Council on prohibited species

The Regulation to be adopted on the basis of the Commission proposal on the conservation of fishery resources and the protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures

(2016/0074(COD) i) should contain provisions, inter alia, on the species for which fishing is prohibited. For that reason the two institutions have agreed not to include a list concerning the North Sea in this Regulation (2016/0238(COD) i).

Joint Statement by the European Parliament and the Council on control

The European Parliament and the Council will include the following control provisions in the upcoming review of the Control Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 i) where relevant to the North Sea: prior notifications, logbook requirements, designated ports, and other control provisions.


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8 jun
Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual plan for demersal stocks in the North Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks, specifying details of the implementation of the landing obligation in the North Sea and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 676/2007 and (EC) No 1342/2008 (first reading) - Adoption of the legislative act
General Secretariat of the Council


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