Fairer and clearer rules on social benefits for EU mobile workers agreed

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, EP-Commissie Werkgelegenheid en sociale zaken (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 maart 2019.

An agreement on modernised rules to coordinate national social security systems was reached by Employment Committee negotiators and EU ministers on Tuesday, 19 March. The new rules focus on facilitating labour mobility within the EU, while safeguarding workers’ social rights in cross-border situations, by determining under which country’s system a person is insured (i.e. paying contributions and receiving benefits). Additionally, new provisions foster cooperation between member states, so that the necessary information is promptly shared to protect workers' access to social security and identify errors or fraud.

Highlights of the agreed text:

  • Fair access to social security for mobile workers in the EU
  • Updated rules for unemployment, family and long-term care benefits
  • Better cooperation between member states to ensure access to benefits and root out fraud or errors

The informally agreed text will have to be confirmed by a plenary vote before the end of the current legislature to enter into force.


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