Ralf Dahrendorf Roundtable - Towards a European Army?, Den Haag

© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 2 juli 2019 19:00
plaats Den Haag
locatie Internationaal perscentrum Nieuwspoort i Toon locatie
aanwezigen S. (Salima) Belhaj i e.a.
organisatie Democraten 66 (D66) i

What is the future of European defence cooperation? Join us on the 2nd of July for the discussion on the future of a European army!


Europe finds itself in a world of geopolitical upheaval. With the surge of authoritarianism around the globe, the steady rise of China and a swiftly changing transatlantic relationship, difficult choices are ahead for leaders of the EU.

Now that ´the West´ is becoming an ever more fractured concept, the question of European security rises as one of the most prominent issues. Should the NATO-dependency continue? Is there more space for bilateral or multilateral military cooperation between European countries? Or should - as is the title of this event - there be a clear push ‘Towards a European Army’?

On the 2nd of July European Liberal Forum and D66 Internationaal will organize a roundtable discussion about the future of European military cooperation. Our experts from across Europe will offer their views.

A discussion with:

  • Salima Belhaj | Member of Parliament, D66, The Netherlands
  • Bartlomjei Nowak | Foreign Affairs Secretary, Nowoczesna Party, Poland
  • Ben Jones | Teaching Fellow, King´s College London, UK

Moderated by:

  • Sebastian Vagt | European Affairs Manager, Friedrich Naumann Foundation

A roundtable discussion organised by the European Liberal Forum (ELF) with the support of D66 Internationaal / Stichting IDI. Co-funded by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of the programme, or for any use that may be made of it. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the European Parliament and/or the European Liberal Forum.


Democraten 66 (D66)

Democraten 66 (D66) is een hervormingsgezinde sociaal-liberale partij. De huidige politiek leider is Rob Jetten i. De partij werd opgericht op 14 oktober 1966 door 44 'homines novi', waarvan er 25 eerder bij andere politieke partijen actief waren geweest. Belangrijkste initiatiefnemer en voorman (tot 1998) was de oud-journalist Hans van Mierlo i.

D66 haalde bij Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 22 november 2023 i 9 zetels, 15 minder dan in 2021. De partij heeft vijf zetels in de Eerste Kamer. Er zit één Nederlands lid namens D66 in het Europees Parlement i.


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