2nd National workshop with employers’ organisations in Sweden on Adult refugee legal mobility, Stockholm

Stockholm, Zweden
datum 23 september 2019
plaats Stockholm, Zweden
organisatie Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding (Cedefop) i

Cedefop’s project on Adult refugee legal mobility seeks to conceptualize and pilot a skills-based complementary pathway that allows lawful and safe pathways to protection of adult refugees by drawing on their human capital potential and labour market needs.

The central element of such a pathway is the matching of skills and qualifications of refugees and the labour market needs in a potential destination country. The matching shall allow refugees to move from a country of asylum to a new destination country in view of employment.

Aims of this second workshop are the following:

  • present the value proposal of the the concept of a skills-based complementary pathway for lawful and safe pathways to protection of adult refugees based on matching their skills with labour market needs;
  • depend the discussion with the representatives of the participating organizations on the rationale and the functions of the mechanism;
  • investigate possible interest of the participating organisations in such a pathway to refugees’ protection and in being actively involved in developing a country specific solution based on the general concept/theoretical framework, define the role they could play and plan the next steps.


Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding (Cedefop)

Het Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding is een agentschap i dat sociale partners, beleidsmakers in lidstaten en de Europese instellingen informeert over het beleid van de lidstaten inzake beroepsonderwijs en beroepsopleidingen door het publiceren van bijvoorbeeld studies en statistieken. Ook geeft het Cedefop rapporten uit over te verwachten trends. Cedefop wil 'een leven lang leren' (permanente educatie) bevorderen.


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