C2020 CPG/192 UCC Centralised Clearance Import Functional Specifications Phase 2 (CPG/192 UCC CCI Ph2)

Deze expertgroep [EU] i (nr. E03685) adviseert de Europese Commissie (Directoraat-generaal Belastingen en douane-unie (TAXUD) i) bij het opstellen van nieuwe wetgeving en nieuw beleid. Expertgroepen zijn samengesteld uit deskundigen van nationale overheden, vertegenwoordigers van belangenorganisaties en/of experts uit het bedrijfsleven.


C2020 CPG/192 UCC Centralised Clearance Import Functional Specifications Phase 2 (CPG/192 UCC CCI Ph2)


Abbreviation: CPG/192 UCC CCI Ph2

Policy Area: Customs

Lead DG: DG Taxation and Customs Union

Type: Informal;Temporary

Scope: Limited

Mission: The input of the Project Group will be used for the preparation of the Level4 Business Process Models and the functional part of the Common System Specifications Package for "UCC CCI Phase 2 system" as mandated by the Union Customs Code and the UCC DA/IA

Task: Assist the Commission in relation to the implementation of existing Union legislation, programmes and policies

Contact: -

Publication in RegExp: 20/09/2019

Creating Act: -

Last updated: 23/12/2020

Additional Information

Selection procedure: Officials from the national customs authorities are appointed by the Member States to represent them at the meetings in line with the subject matter to be covered.


Rules of procedure: Rules of procedures adopted by the Members at their first meeting on 22.10.2019.

04 Adopted Rules of Procedure PG_UCC_FS_Phase 2_system SG.G4.pdf (approx. 56 kb)

Rules of procedure: Revised rules of procedures adopted by the Members at their second meeting on 26.11.2019.

04 Adopted_Revised Rules of Procedure.pdf (approx. 58 kb)

Other: Customs 2020 OJ L347, 20-112-2013 Article 7 Eligible actions The Programme shall provide, under the conditions set out in the annual work programme referred to in Article 14, financial support for the following types of action: (a) joint actions: (i) seminars and workshops; (ii) project groups, generally composed of a limited number of countries, operational during a limited period of time to pursue a predefined objective with a precisely defined outcome, including coordination or benchmarking.


No Subgroups assigned to this group.