Skills governance review in Estonia, Tallinn

Talinn, Het presidentieel paleis van Kadrior
datum 27 november 2019 - 28 november 2019
plaats Tallinn, Estland
organisatie Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding (Cedefop) i

The Cedefop workshop on advanced skills anticipation methods is part of the thematic country review of the skills anticipation and matching system in Estonia. The review is being carried out by Cedefop and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, in cooperation with the Estonian Qualifications Authority and other stakeholders between 2017 and 2019.

The workshop is directly linked to the review finding that - among different possible areas for methodological innovation - stakeholders viewed the further systematic development of skills anticipation methodologies that can provide in-depth information on new / emerging technologies and skill needs the most pressing priority. The workshop therefore provides an overview of various advanced skills anticipation methods with emphasis on the technological/skills foresight methodology. It provides experts and researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders with insights on these methods and supports them in designing effective approaches to identifying skill needs within OSKA and in shaping methods in line with policy needs. Participants will also increase their knowledge and understanding on methodological and practical challenges of using foresight linked to scenario building to anticipate skills demand and approaches to mitigate their impact, with practical application to the Estonian context.

The workshop is organised by Cedefop in collaboration with a network of external experts from Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. The main instructor of the course is Dr. Effie Amanatidou (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research). It is open to maximum 50 Estonian stakeholders on an invitation basis.


Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding (Cedefop)

Het Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding is een agentschap i dat sociale partners, beleidsmakers in lidstaten en de Europese instellingen informeert over het beleid van de lidstaten inzake beroepsonderwijs en beroepsopleidingen door het publiceren van bijvoorbeeld studies en statistieken. Ook geeft het Cedefop rapporten uit over te verwachten trends. Cedefop wil 'een leven lang leren' (permanente educatie) bevorderen.


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