Remarks by President Charles Michel at the Generation Equality Forum

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 30 juni 2021.

President Charles Michel at the Generation Equality Forum

Thank you very much, Mr President. First of all, thank you for France’s involvement and commitment, and for your personal commitment.

Dignity, equal rights, equal opportunities and non-discrimination are at the heart of the European project, at the heart of our European values. And that is why I am fully convinced that the circumstances we are all dealing with - the digital transformation, which António mentioned, algorithms, the importance of science subjects, climate change - are also an opportunity to change things for the better, by not making the mistakes of the past, by mobilising all of our talents, by ensuring that gender equality is at the heart of that mobilisation so that we can achieve the economic and social transformation and move forward stronger, promoting these values of humanism and humanity.

The second point I would like to highlight is that education is essential. For each and every one of us, our brains are where things will happen. We must make sure that we always put equal rights and equal opportunities at the heart of our efforts.

Thirdly and finally, it is true that recently, including in Europe, we have seen a tendency to push back against the progress that has been made, that has been achieved. And that is why this moment of mobilisation, this forum that brings together those who are convinced of the path we must take, is an important moment, because it is an opportunity to stand together, as the Secretary-General has rightly said, in order to effectively and passionately convey these convictions.

That is my wish for this forum today: for us all to be fully mobilised. Let us all be committed feminists.

Humanity cannot afford to lose out on half of all human talent. I am optimistic. I think that if we come together, if we roll up our sleeves, a better world is possible.