Mr Frans Timmermans in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, at COP27 (14-18/11)

Panorama van Naama Bay, Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypte
wikipedia/Marc Ryckaert (MJJR)
datum 16 november 2022
plaats Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypte
aanwezigen F.C.G.M. (Frans) Timmermans i e.a.

Mr Frans Timmermans in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, at COP27 (14-18/11): announces together with Commissioner Simson an EU-Egypt Hydrogen Partnership; joins the launch of the 'Nexus on water, food and energy' (NWFE) initiative; participates in the side event 'EU Innovation Fund - The role of clean tech funding for net zero'; and delivers opening remarks at the ministerial side event 'Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on climate change adaptation and resilience in Africa'.


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