10th EU-India Summit, in New Delhi The news: The Commission's delegation will be led by the President of the European Commission, Mr. José Manuel Barroso, who will be accompanied by. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, as well as Catherine Ashton, Commissioner for Trade. This Summit marks a decade of growing relations, and seeks to further deepen relations between the two strategic partners in key areas of cooperation. It aims atenhancing dialogue and cooperation on issues of major global concern such as climate change, energy security and fight against terrorism, as well as prominent regional issues and bilateral trade. Naturally, a few weeks ahead of Copenhagen, the focus of the summit will be on key issues like climate change and energy. As a follow up of discussions in the G20 both sides will exchange views on the global financial crisis, and the reform of international financial institutions. Furthermore, the Summit will give new impetus to the negotiations on a bilateral trade and investment agreement. Both the EU and India are determined to move towards a much anticipated deal which would be beneficial to both sides. The Summit will welcome the signature of a Co-operation Agreement between Euratom and India in the field of fusion energy research as well as the launch of a call for proposals for research in the field of solar energy. It will also underline the financial resources to be made available for development cooperation for the period 2011-2013. The background: The EU and India have held regular political dialogue since their first bilateral Summit in 2000 in Lisbon and since 2004, EU-India relations have been elevated into a concrete strategic partnership. Today, India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world and a central partner of the EU in addressing many global challenges. The event: EbS coverage of the EU-India Summit in New Delhi Video Stockshots "INDIA 2009" The sources: European Commission's website: http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/india/index_en.htm Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/ferrero-waldner/index_en.htm The contacts: Christiane Hohmann +32 2 29 91196 christiane.hohmann@ec.europa.eu Amadeu Altafaj Tardio +32 2 295 2658 amadeu.altafaj-tardio@ec.europa.eu Anja Fiedler +32 2 29 80385 anja.fiedler@ec.europa.eu 19, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 6 november 2009
plaats Brussel, Summit, Portugal
aanwezigen J.M. (José) Barroso i, B. (Benita) Ferrero-Waldner i, C.M. (Catherine) Ashton i e.a.
organisatie Europese Commissie (EC) i

The Commission's delegation will be led by the President of the European Commission, Mr. José Manuel Barroso, who will be accompanied by. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, as well as Catherine Ashton, Commissioner for Trade.

This Summit marks a decade of growing relations, and seeks to further deepen relations between the two strategic partners in key areas of cooperation. It aims atenhancing dialogue and cooperation on issues of major global concern such as climate change, energy security and fight against terrorism, as well as prominent regional issues and bilateral trade.

Naturally, a few weeks ahead of Copenhagen, the focus of the summit will be on key issues like climate change and energy. As a follow up of discussions in the G20 both sides will exchange views on the global financial crisis, and the reform of international financial institutions.

Furthermore, the Summit will give new impetus to the negotiations on a bilateral trade and investment agreement. Both the EU and India are determined to move towards a much anticipated deal which would be beneficial to both sides.

The Summit will welcome the signature of a Co-operation Agreement between Euratom and India in the field of fusion energy research as well as the launch of a call for proposals for research in the field of solar energy. It will also underline the financial resources to be made available for development cooperation for the period 2011-2013.



The EU and India have held regular political dialogue since their first bilateral Summit in 2000 in Lisbon and since 2004, EU-India relations have been elevated into a concrete strategic partnership. Today, India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world and a central partner of the EU in addressing many global challenges.



EbS coverage of the EU-India Summit in New Delhi

Video Stockshots "INDIA 2009"



European Commission's website: http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/india/index_en.htm Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/ferrero-waldner/index_en.htm



Christiane Hohmann

+32 2 29 91196


Amadeu Altafaj Tardio +32 2 295 2658


Anja Fiedler

+32 2 29 80385




Europese Commissie (EC)

Deze instelling van de Europese Unie kan worden beschouwd als het 'dagelijks bestuur' van de EU. De leden van de Europese Commissie worden 'Eurocommissarissen i' genoemd. Elke Eurocommissaris is verantwoordelijk voor één of meerdere beleidsgebieden. Momenteel zijn er 26 Eurocommissarissen. In principe is er voor iedere lidstaat één. Samen vormen zij het college van Eurocommissarissen. De Eurocommissarissen moeten het belang van de Europese Unie als geheel behartigen, niet dat van hun eigen land.

De Europese Commissie mag als enige EU-instelling wetsvoorstellen indienen; zij heeft het zogenaamde recht van initatief. Daarnaast controleert de Commissie of de Europese wetgeving juist wordt toegepast in de lidstaten, onderhandelt zij in internationale organisaties als de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) i over de handel van de Unie met het 'buitenland' en is zij verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van de Europese begroting van ongeveer 140 miljard euro per jaar.


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