Respect for Democracy, Fundamental rights and the Rule of law: the role of judiciary, Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

22-02-2016 - Respect for Democracy, Fundamental rights and the Rule of law: the role of judiciary

LIBE AFCO 18-02-2016 - 14:44


The European Parliament, in its resolution of 10 June 2015 (P8_TA(2015)0227)) mandated the LIBE Committee to "contribute to the development and elaboration of this proposal (cc. the establishment of an EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights) in the form of a legislative own-initiative report ".

Following a first mini-hearing in December, the current hearing is organised in the frame of the preparatory process for this LIBE legislative own-initiative report (under art. 225 TFEU).

The role of the judiciary, be it at national or European level, in safeguarding democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights, cannot be overstated. Therefore, the current parliamentary reflection on an EU relevant framework for the safeguard of those values can only profit from judicial experience in setting relevant benchmarks and defending those against possible risks. In that spirit, the hearing is gathering senior judges from the Court of Justice of the EU, the European Court of Human Rights, as well as national instances, who will present their relevant experiences from everyday court practice.

Location : Altiero Spinelli, room 3E2 (Brussels)

  • Further information
  • Draft agenda
  • Instructions for registration

EP Working documents

    • Working document by Frank ENGEL (EPP)
    • Woking document by Monika FLASIKOVA BENOVA (S&D)
    • Working document by Timothy KIRKHOPE (ECR)
    • Working document by Sophia IN'T VELD (ALDE)
    • Working document by Barbara SPINELLI (GUE/NGL)
    • Working document by Laura FERRARA (EFDD)
    • Working document by György SCHOPFLIN (EPP)
    • Working document by Ulrike LUNACEK (Greens/EFA)


EP-Commissie Burgerlijke vrijheden, justitie en binnenlandse zaken (LIBE)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich onder meer bezig met de rechten van de burgers van de EU, bestrijding van discriminatie, vrij verkeer van personen, asiel en migratie en de samenwerking bij de rechtsgang.

Deze commissie telt 69 leden. De belangrijkste taak van de commissie is de wetgeving en het democratisch toezicht op het beleid dat de Europese Unie in staat stelt haar burgers vrijheid, veiligheid te bieden. Hierbij zorgt de commissie ervoor dat de waarden uit het EU-Handvest van de grondrechten i in de gehele Europese Unie worden gehandhaafd.


EP-Commissie Constitutionele zaken (AFCO)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich onder meer bezig met de organisatorische aspecten van de Europese Unie, het EU-verdrag en de gevolgen van uitbreiding van de EU voor de organisatiestructuur.

De commissie telt 28 leden. De belangrijkste taak van de commissie is het toezien op de uitvoering van de Verdragen en, indien nodig, de wijziging ervan.


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