Towards a Universal Health Care system: the road to SDG 3, Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

15-03-2016 - Towards a Universal Health Care system: the road to SDG 3

DEVE 16-09-2016 - 14:38

Towards a Universal Health Care system: the road to SDG 3

In order to take stock of global health challenges and to identify means to "ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all by 2030" (Sustainable Development Goal 3), the Committee on Development held a public hearing which took place in the morning of Tuesday 15 March 2016.

MEPs Norbert Neuser, Eleni Theocharous and Lola Sánchez moderated three panels with experts, international policy makers as well as private sector and civil society representatives.

The hearing kicked off with a panel on health care systems and the human factor at 10:00, followed by a panel on development finance and global health (10:45) and wound up with a panel on how to improve access to medicines for all (11:35).

Location : ASP 3G3



EP-Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (DEVE)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich bezig met het beleid voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking van de EU en met de uitzending van verkiezingswaarnemers.

De commissie bestaat uit 51 leden. Zij speelt een belangrijke rol bij de bepaling van de uitgaven van de EU voor ontwikkelingshulp, en controleert de activiteiten en uitgaven van de Europese Commissie op dit gebied.


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