From Balfour Declaration to Start-Up Nation: How can Europe and Israel prepare for the Future?, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 6 december 2017 13:00 - 7 december 2017
plaats Brussel, België
organisatie Europese Christelijke Politieke Beweging (ECPM) i

ECPM, together with MEP Bas Belder and the European Coalition for Israel are organizing on the 6th of December 2017 a two sided event. The theme of the event is "From Balfour Declaration to Start-Up Nation: How can Europe and Israel prepare for the Future?".

The first part of the event will cover the Balfour Declaration and the lessons to be learned from it. Prominent speakers will have a valuable input in this session.

During the second part of the event the lessons EU can learn from Israel regarding the Biomedical technology will be discussed. Mr Omer Elad form OrCam Technologies and Ms Hila Glick from Innovation Without Borders, as well as other specialists in the field will share their insights in the matter.

Program Organizers Speakers



From Balfour Declaration to Start-Up Nation: How can Europe and Israel prepare for the Future?

Host: MEP Bas Belder and MEP Branislav Škripek

Wednesday 6 December 2017 - 14h00-17h00

Session 1: The Balfour Declaration 14h00 - 15h15

● Welcoming Speeches by the organizers - MEP Belder, MEP Škripek, ECPM and ECI

● Address by Ambassador of Israel to the EU & NATO, Shuli Davidovich

● Keynote speech by Minister of Public Security & Strategic Affairs, MK Gilad Erdan

● Key note speech by Lord Turnberg

● Reaction by MK Yoel Hasson, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, Israel

● Reaction by MK Robert Ilatov, Chair, Knesset Lobby for Hi-Tech Industry in Israe

● Mr Andrew Tucker, ECI Legal Counsel & Thinc Hague Director

● Reaction by Rabbi Menachem Margolin, European Jewish Association Director

● Closing remarks MEP Arne Gericke (ECPM)

Coffee Break

Session 2: Innovation and Technology; what the EU can learn from Israel 15h15 - 17h00

● Opening remarks second session by MEP Belder and MEP Škripek (ECPM)

● MK Robert Ilatov, Chair Knesset Lobby for Hi-Tech Industry in Israel

● Mr Liron Rosenbaum, Director of Business Development, OrCam Technologies

● Ms Hila Glick, Co-founder, Innovation Without Borders

● Mr Jean-David Malo, Director, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

● Reaction by MK Yoel Hasson, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, Israel

● Q&A (Moderated by ECPM Leo van Doesburg)

● Reaction by Deputy Head of Israel Mission to the EU & NATO, Shuli Davidovich

● Closing remarks by MEP Belder

Cocktail served at the closing of the session

Branislav Škripek


MEP from Slovakia and president of ECPM. Member in ECR Group.

Branislav Škripek was born in Piešťany in Slovakia and studied theology. He worked as a caregiver for disabled youth in Bratislava. He was involved in the development of the Community in the st. Martin, Bratislava.

In 2000 he co-founded a nongovernmental organization which organized public Christian meetings, worked with young people, traveled through Slovakia with the 'Campaign for Jesus’ and organized training seminars and workshops. In addition, he made ​​a living as a translator and interpreter. In 2012 Škripek was elected into the Slovakian parliament.

In May 2014 he was elected for the first time member of the European Parliament where he is member in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and in the D-IL Delegation for relations with Israel. As a substitute he sits in the REGI Committee on Regions and the Delegation for relations with Mashreq countries.

Branislav Škripek is married and has two sons.

Bas Belder


MEP from the Netherlands on behalf of SGP (ECPM member). Member in ECR Group.

Bas Belder is a Dutch politician and Member of the European Parliament with the SGP, the Dutch Reformed Party. He sits in the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs. Belder is a substitute for the Committee on International Trade and the Committee on Budgets. Furthermore he is vice chairman of the delegation for the relations between the European Parliament and Israel.

Previously he worked in education and was the editor for the international affairs at theReformatorisch Dagblad (Reformed Daily).



European Coalition for Israel is a unique grassroots movement, which is seeking to promote better relations between Europe and Israel through advocacy and education.

The European Coalition for Israel is committed to the following goals:

To promote closer relations and understanding between Israel and the European Union.

To confront anti-Semitism in Europe and to educate about its long and tragic history in that continent.

To promote and encourage cultural and economic exchanges between Israel and the EU.

To support ways for peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs in Israel and the Middle East.

More info.

Aharon Leshno-Yaar


Ambassador of Israel to the EU & NATO

Lord Turnberg


Member of UK Parliament

Author of "Beyond the Balfour Declaration”

MK Yoel Hasson


Member of the Knesset

MK Robert Ilatov


Member of the Knesset

Mr Andrew Tucker


ECI Legal Counsel & Thinc Hague Initiative Director

MEP Arne Gericke


ECPM member of the European Parliament. He was born in in Hamburg in 1964 but grew up in Papua New Guinea until 1979 when he returned to Germany. He is married and has seven children (four of his own and three adopted). In 2004 he quit his job and became an orator and pastor in order to have more time for the family. Politically, he wants to ensure that educational work (the work of raising children at home) is recognized as gainful employment. He stands for a family-friendly business, instead of a business-friendly family.

In 2014 he was elected for the first time Member of the European Parliament and he is member of the EMPL Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and DACP Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. Furthermore he is substitute in the FEMM Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, DROI Subcommittee on Human Rights and DASE Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Liron Rosenbaum


Director of Business Development, OrCam Technologies

Hila Glick


Jean-David Malo


Director, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission


Europese Christelijke Politieke Beweging (ECPM)

Deze overkoepelende Europese partij is in 2002 opgericht als samenwerkingsverband van Europese christelijke en christendemocratische partijen en burgerorganisaties. De Nederlandse partijen ChristenUnie i en SGP i zijn lid, evenals het Slowaakse OĽaNO en enkele andere voornamelijk Oost-Europese partijen.

Van de partijen die zich hebben aangesloten bij de ECPM zijn maar vijf partijen (waaronder ChristenUnie en SGP) vertegenwoordigd in het Europees Parlement i. De Europarlementariër van SGP heeft zitting in de ECR-fractie i, de parlementariër van de ChristenUnie bij de EVP i.


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