CONNECT University Summer School Session "Digital learning as a tool for development", Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 25 juni 2018
plaats Brussel, België
locatie DG Connect, Avenue de Beaulieu 25, 1160, Auderghem Toon locatie
aanwezigen (Brando) Benifei i e.a.

Date & time:

25 June 2018

Register URL:

The focus of the CONNECT University Summer School Session on "Digital learning as a tool for development" will be on the extraordinary impact that digital learning can have in helping to sustain development, both within and beyond the EU. To better explain the importance of this topic, particular attention will be devoted to policy-making and best-practices emerging from different Institutions. As Digital represents an inseparable part of today's learning process, improving the uptake of technologies can make people flourish in our contemporary world. The classrooms are shaping the future, therefore it is essential to look at the way we train the children to better boost their productivity. Looking further, more needs to be done on how to best use digital means to reach education objectives. How can we use technology to empower learning?

11:00-11:10 Introduction by Florin Lupescu, Principal Advisor, European Commission, DG CONNECT

11:10-11:30 Presentation by Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak, European Commission, DG CONNECT Head of Unit G2, Data Applications and Creativity

11:30-11:55 Presentation by Miho Taguma, OECD

11:55-12:05 Presentation by MEP Brando Benifei, European Parliament

12:05-12:25 Presentation by Bernard Kirk, Co-Founder - Africa Code Week

12:25-12:45 Presentation by Julia Klier, Partner at McKinsey & Company

12:45-13:05 Presentation by Alexander Ziegler, IBM

13:05-13:55 Q/A session

13:55-14:00 Conclusions by Florin Lupescu, Principal Advisor, European Commission, DG CONNECT


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