Ridderzaal in Den Haag
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 1 april 2020 - 2 april 2020
plaats Den Haag
organisatie Europese politiedienst (Europol) i

The conference is cancelled at the moment.

We will update you for any new developments and new dates via this page.

The terrorism situation in Europe is constantly evolving, and the threat of terrorism and violent extremism to which European citizens and institutions are exposed is growing ever more complex. The fourth annual conference of the ECTC Advisory Network on terrorism and propaganda will address some of these complexities by covering topics related to jihadist and right-wing terrorism, the state of terrorist online communications, the threat from returnees from conflict zones and released prisoners and the impact of technological developments.


Europese politiedienst (Europol)

Dit EU-agentschap i verzamelt en analyseert inlichtingen over criminele activiteiten en probeert zo internationale criminaliteit in de Europese Unie i tegen te gaan. Europol beheert een database met gegevens over criminelen en criminele netwerken in heel Europa. Het agentschap kan op deze manier de samenwerking tussen politiediensten in de Europese lidstaten i ondersteunen, omdat het uitgebreide informatie biedt over internationale georganiseerde misdaadnetwerken.


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