The Western Balkan region is an integral part of Europe

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2021 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 1 december 2021.

The Western Balkan region is an integral part of Europe

The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia will host the EU i-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs from 1 to 3 December 2021 in Brdo pri Kranju

The EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum is held once a year and aims to strengthen regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations as well as support the Western Balkan countries' progress towards European integration. The home affairs session will take place on 1 and 2 December 2021, while the justice session will follow on 2 and 3 December 2021.

The meeting of the ministers of the interior will be chaired by the Slovenian Minister of the Interior and the current holder of the Presidency of the Home Affairs Council of the EU, Aleš Hojs. "The Western Balkan region is an integral part of Europe," Hojs said, adding, "It is therefore important that we treat the Western Balkans as a part of our joint management of our common challenges: migration management, asylum and borders, the fight against terrorism, extremism and radicalisation as well as the fight against organised crime." These topics will also be the main items on the agenda of the meeting of home affairs ministers.

Slovenian Minister of the Interior and the current holder of the Presidency of the Home Affairs Council of the EU, Aleš Hojs

The meeting of the ministers of justice will be chaired by the Slovenian Minister of Justice and the current holder of the Presidency of the Justice Council of the EU, Marjan Dikaučič. Minister Dikaučič underlined the importance of "the commitment of all participants to strengthen the rule of law". He added that the essential points in this respect are "continuous efforts to provide the independence, accountability, integrity, quality and efficiency of the justice system". The main topics of the Ministerial Forum in the area of justice will include the rule of law, judicial reforms and improving judicial training systems and various initiatives and challenges in the digitalisation of justice.

Slovenian Minister of Justice and the current holder of the Presidency of the Justice Council of the EU, Marjan Dikaučič

The meeting will be attended by the ministers of the Western Balkan partner countries, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson i, the Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders i, as well as the representatives of the upcoming Trio Presidency countries (France, Czechia and Sweden).

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