6th World Policy Conference, Monaco

tunnel in monaco
datum 13 december 2013 14:30 - 15 december 2013 19:30
plaats Monaco, Monaco, Turkije
aanwezigen M.J.A. (Maria) van der Hoeven i, J.-C. (Jean-Claude) Trichet i, J. (Joaquín) Almunia Amann i, (Per) dhr. Bolund, (Didier) dhr. Reynders, H.A. (Herman) Van Rompuy i e.a.
organisatie IFRI

The World Policy Conference (WPC) is an initiative of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI). It was founded five years ago as an open club, and while it is certainly rooted in European and French culture, it is genuinely international. Its mission is to discuss both the opportunities and the risks of an open world and to identify the conditions under which international relations could be organised to ensure structural stability in such a world.

This club intends to give the floor not only to major powers, but also and indeed primarily to medium and even small, or emerging countries, and to associate a variety of stakeholders.

High level speakers such as, among others, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, Joaquin Almunia, EU Commissioner for Competition, and Benoît Coeuré, member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank, will be taking part in this year’s discussions.


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