3353e zitting van de RAAD VAN DE EUROPESE UNIE (Concurrentievermogen (Interne Markt, Industrie, Onderzoek en Ruimtevaart)), Brussel

Justus Lipsius
datum 4 december 2014 10:00 - 5 december 2014
plaats Brussel, België
adres Wetstraat 175 [kaart]
locatie Justus Lipsius i Toon locatie
zaal 35.4 
aanwezigen C.M.F. (Carlos) Moedas i e.a.
organisatie Raad Concurrentievermogen (Interne Markt, Industrie, Onderzoek en Ruimtevaart) (COMPET) i

Council of the European Union

Brussels, 1 December 2014 (OR. en)




Subject: 3353rd meeting of the COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION

(Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space))

Date: 4 and 5 December 2014

Time: 10.00, 10.00

Venue: Brussels


  • 1. 
    Adoption of the provisional agenda

Non-legislative activities

  • 2. 
    Approval of the list of "A" items

    16044/14 PTS A 90


  • 3. 
    Enhancing the single market in all its dimensions - priorities for the future

    – Policy debate 15473/14 COMPET 621 MI 879

  • 4. 
    Draft Council conclusions on Smart Regulation

    – Adoption 16000/14 COMPET 645 MI 936 POLGEN 172

  • 5. 
    Draft Council conclusions on the EU strategy and Action Plan on customs risk management: Tackling risks, strengthening supply chain security and facilitating trade

    – Adoption 15403/14 UD 247 15668/14 UD 251

  • 6. 
    Industrial Competitiveness - an agenda for growth and jobs

    – Presentation of the SME Envoys' report – Policy debate – Draft Council conclusions on the Industrial Competitiveness Agenda = Adoption 15758/14 IND 348 COMPET 633 MI 912 RECH 447 ECOFIN 1064 ENV 917 ENER 468 DATAPROTECT 175 15760/14 IND 349 COMPET 634 MI 913 RECH 460 ECOFIN 1103 ENV 938 ENER 485 DATAPROTECT 179

  • 7. 
    Draft Council conclusions on Strengthening tourism by leveraging Europe's cultural, natural and maritime heritage

    – Adoption 15608/14 TOUR 26 IND 339 COMPET 628 POLMAR 28 ENV 902 EMPL 164 EDUC 326 CULT 130

Legislative deliberations

(Public deliberation in accordance with Article 16(8) of the Treaty on European Union)

  • 8. 
    Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on package travel and assisted travel arrangements, amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004, Directive


    – General approach (1)

    12257/13 CONSOM 140 MI 635 TOUR 3 JUSTCIV 167 CODEC 1764 (x) + COR 1 (x) + REV 1 (de) (x)

    16054/14 CONSOM 258 MI 941 TOUR 30 JUSTCIV 308 CODEC 2359 + COR 1

  • 9. 
    Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on cableway installations (First reading)

    15442/2/14 ENT 262 TRANS 521 MI 877 ECO 157 IND 334 CODEC 2229 REV 2 + REV 2 COR 1

  • 10. 
    Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on personal protective equipment (First reading)

    16172/14 ENT 281 CONSOM 262 SOC 833 MI 955 ECO 170 IND 363 CODEC 2382

Any other business

  • 11. 
    Internal Market and Industry

    (a) Current legislative proposal (Public deliberation in accordance with Article 16(8) of the Treaty on European Union)

    ● Product Safety Package – Information from the Presidency on the state of play 16041/1/14 ENT 276 MI 938 CONSOM 255 CODEC 2356 COMPET 648 UD 264 CHIMIE 42 COMER 238 REV 1

    (b) Work programme of the incoming Presidency – Information from the Latvian delegation


Non-legislative activities


  • 12. 
    Science with and for Society

    – Policy debate 15451/14 RECH 440

  • 13. 
    Draft Council conclusions on Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area

    – Adoption 15852/14 RECH 450 MED 47

  • 14. 
    Draft Council conclusions on European Research Area Progress Report 2014

    13197/14 RECH 366 COMPET 508 MI 657 TELECOM 163 (x) 15609/14 RECH 442 COMPET 629 MI 892 TELECOM 211

  • 15. 
    Draft Council conclusions on Research and Innovation as sources of renewed growth

    10897/14 RECH 300 COMPET 412 ECO 68 IND 185 MI 494 FISC 98 RC 13 (x) + REV 1 (es) (x)

    15855/14 RECH 451 COMPET 637 ECO 167 IND 353 MI 925 FISC 200 RC 29


  • 16. 
    European Space Policy

    (a) The competitiveness of the European space sector as a key driver for the European economy

    – Exchange of views 15396/14 ESPACE 85 COMPET 617 RECH 435 IND 329 TRANS 517 CSDP/PSDC 654 PESC 1161 EMPL 158

    (b) Draft Council conclusions on underpinning the European space renaissance: orientations and future challenges

    – Adoption 15944/14 ESPACE 89 COMPET 642 RECH 454 IND 356 TRANS 556 CSDP/PSDC 686 PESC 1222 EMPL 171

Any other business

  • 17. 

    (a) BlueMed Initiative – Information from the Presidency 15592/14 RECH 461

  • 17. 

    (b) Copernicus, a Union flagship programme observing the Earth – Information from the Commission on the state of play and on next steps 16011/14 ESPACE 91

    (c) Outcome of the Council of the European Space Agency at ministerial level (Luxembourg, 2 December 2014)

    – Information from the ESA Presidency

    (d) Importance of the political endeavour for space exploration and science: the example of the International Space Station

    – Presentation by Luca Parmitano, Astronaut and "Ambassador" of the Italian Presidency of the EU Council


* *

(e) Work programme of the incoming Presidency – Information from the Latvian delegation


(*) Item on which a vote may be requested.

(1) When adopting a General approach after the European Parliament has adopted its position at

first reading, the Council is not acting within the meaning of Article 294(4) and (5) TFEU.

(x) Document not available in the meeting room.


Raad Concurrentievermogen (Interne Markt, Industrie, Onderzoek en Ruimtevaart) (COMPET)

De raadsformatie i Concurrentievermogen (COMPET) bestaat over het algemeen uit de ministers (of staatssecretarissen) van economische zaken. Deze raad vergadert ten minste vier keer per jaar, afhankelijk van de urgentie van de te behandelen onderwerpen. Daarnaast zijn ook informele bijeenkomsten mogelijk. Namens Nederland sluit doorgaans minister van Economische Zaken en Klimaat Micky Adriaansens i (VVD) aan.

De Raad Concurrentievermogen werkt aan de verbetering van het concurrentie­vermogen en de groei in de EU op voornamelijk vier belangrijke beleids­terreinen: de interne markt, industrie, onderzoek en innovatie, en ruimtevaart.


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