Annual Conference 2014: European Defence Matters, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 27 maart 2014 08:30 - 28 maart 2014
plaats Brussel, België
locatie Albert Hall Toon locatie
organisatie Europees Defensie Agentschap (EDA) i

In December 2013, European defence was on the agenda of Heads of State and Government. This has mobilised the defence community and European institutions. The outcome of the Summit is expected to create a new dynamic and lead to a regular review of defence at European Council level. In this light, we need to share our analysis and set the tone for the way forward.

In this context, European Defence Matters - the annual conference organised by the European Defence Agency - will offer perspectives for action and stimulate frank discussions. We will be learning from the frontline actors of defence cooperation as well as leaders from the military, politics and industry, transforming their insights into practical steps forward through highly interactive panel debates and keynote speeches with plenty of opportunities for the audience to contribute to the discussion.

This event will take place on Thursday 27th March 2014 at the Albert Hall in Brussel. Attendance to this conference is upon invitation only.

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Europees Defensie Agentschap (EDA)

Dit agentschap i heeft de taak de lidstaten van de Europese Unie te ondersteunen bij een efficiëntere besteding van het defensiebudget.

Aan het hoofd van het agentschap staat de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger voor het gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid i. Bij het EDA werken ongeveer 140 mensen.


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