Environment Council, 19/12/2016 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 20 december 2016, 1:37.

Meeting information

Outcome of the Council meeting

List of A items, legislative deliberations, Environment Council, 19 December 2016

List of A items, non-legislative activities, Environment Council, 19 December 2016

Background brief

Indicative programme - Environment Council of 19 December 2016

Provisional agenda, Environment Council, 19 December 2016

Climate: emission reductions

Ministers discussed the review of the emission trading system (ETS) and took stock of the progress so far on this file. Based on this progress the Council will continue the work to establish its negotiating position.

There have been lengthy preparations for this Council which we had hoped would agree on a general approach on the revision of this important instrument. Despite considerable efforts, that has not proved possible due to the lack of political will, and it will now be for the Maltese Presidency, building on the significant progress we have achieved over the last six months, to take this dossier forward.

László Sólymos, Slovak Minister for Environment and president of the Council

ETS is one of the main EU i's tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to deliver on the EU's commitments under the Paris Agreement.

The Council also looked at the state of play of two legislative proposals to cut emissions in sectors not covered by the ETS: the effort-sharing regulation and the regulation on land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF).


The Council adopted conclusions on the sound management of chemicals. The text highlights the need to maintain a high level of protection of human health and the environment. The aim is to send a political message at a time when some legislation and measures in this field are to be developed or reviewed.

I welcome the adoption today by the Council of conclusions on the sound management of chemicals. We reiterated the importance of the 7th Environment Action Programme and invited the Commission to prepare a strategy for a non-toxic environment by 2018. This is an important signal of our commitment to the health of our citizens and the quality of our environment.

László Sólymos, Slovak Minister for Environment and president of the Council

Council conclusions on the protection of human health and the environment through the sound management of chemicals


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